    note to the person who responded to the question as to ''can you dream if you are blind?''shows your lack of class, immaturity uneducated,and no regard nor respect for those who are blind and can only hope an dream!!!!!!!!!!!

    +3  Views: 284 Answers: 6 Posted: 13 years ago

    well done billy jean

    6 Answers

    billlie jean you have to look in your answers and questions to find out who answered your questions as for the oringinal question I would like to think that a blind person can dream but I relly dont know the true answer


    It was Varon.

    Thanks Colleen for that hope you have had a good weekend lol

    Yes a blind person can "dream I dream with my eyes closed just like a blind person they come within the "mind crazy at times does not relate to anything We all dream .

    I didn't see this question but what I see in this thread is 'can a blind person dream?"  If this is the question then I take it as not being rude, I take it as a curious question in which there is no harm-- People always looking for rudeness in others without looking at themselves and the rudeness in their answers to serios curious questions.  When I was very young, I asked a mute person if learning to talk with your hands was difficult, he answerd to me, 'is it difficult to learn to talk with your mouth'?  some might say that was a 'rude' question from me but in fact, I was young and didn't understand mute people so i asked a question that a young person would ask that was curious.. 

    I think what this person was asking is 'what do blind people dream? do they see people, colors, objects..?  Do any of us know that?? I certainly don't -therefore, I do not think it is a rude question.. Dump the PC, ask a question this is how we learn... A blind person is no less fortunate than you are, they just 'see' things differently.. That would be my answer if I were blind..  When people 'defend' these people that have disabilities these people are offended by that rather than curious questions of their disabilities.

    I use the term 'disabilities' only as clarification, I do not believe these people are disabled, society makes them disabled and tags them as such.

    billy jean

    To Vinny,If you would read the gentleman answer to the question ''can a blind person dream?'' His answer was''come now,I hope the next question you wont be asking,''can a blind person talk.'' He shouldn't have used those choice of words in that context...

    Well I certainly agree with that!! I still haven't seen the thread, I was only commenting on what I thought was said based on the replies here. Just think of my reply as a commentary'.. :)
    Have a great day!!


    Billy jean,do you mean the person who asked the question or the people who answered?

    billy jean

    to the person who answered to the question ''can a blind person dream'' and answered ''come on the next thing you'd be asking can a blind person talk'' THAT WAS VERY RUDE!!!!!! and I'm only 11 years old and I know better than that.
    billy jean

    the person who answered ''come on now, i hope the next thing you'd be saying is can a blind person talk''?

    i agree.

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