    why alzteimers patient would have a problem sleeping

    0  Views: 715 Answers: 5 Posted: 13 years ago

    5 Answers

    Likely drugs ... see that doctor again and have the meds adjusted ... don't go for sleeping pills though because they can kill you when mixed with other drugs.... just ask Heath Ledger....

    It is cycles the patient goes thru! My Mom could stay awake a couple days and nights and sometimes sleep for the same amount of time.  It may be amusing to some of you now, but I hope you never have to witness it with a loved one!



    Oh, wow.....

    not sure why, but perhaps the patient forgot they just woke up.

    Restless Leg Syndrome?  I can hardly began to guess.  Perhaps the mind is blank on the outside, there's no telling what imagination these poor souls poccess. There is none in my family thank you God. But I've heard stories.....

    sometimes they mix up their nights with their days. Plus they're very hyper.......always leaving the building and walking up the road. I worked with many altzheimers patients as an LPN in nursing homes. A lot of the men were violent .


    That nursing home had no business taking care of patients who could leave the building. Where's the CARE?

    That nursing home had no business taking care of patients who could leave the building. Where's the CARE?

    That was in the 90s and they didn't have a locked unit, b/c the state didn't allow us to lock the doors b/c of a fire hazard. So, many of the demented and Alzheimers patients went outside. I had to chase one strong man down the road and turn him around and bring him back. A woman visitor helped me. Another big man went out the door and a woman worker and I went to get him, he swung at us and it threw him off balance and he fell into the bushes.

    Yes the laws have changed about lock downs. If any of you need to use a nursing home be sure to check about lockdowns.

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