    where do lonely people go in order to find friends

    0  Views: 374 Answers: 4 Posted: 13 years ago

    4 Answers

    There is some truth to the saying the minute you stop looking  for something it appears . Find something worth while and get involved.  I keep telling people that ballroom dancing is a good place to go group classes are 10.00 and its a no pressure social event. No booze no smoking and good manners . The studio plays songs about a minute and a half so its like speed dating a short time with each partner. Repeat with anyone you like . There are swing dance clubs ,in fact there is a club for every dance. Social events evenings out as a group ,I have enjoyed this for 25 years . There are hiking clubs all kinds of things ,go white water rafting  just a weekend . There is no one standing in front of you saying NO!!!! So if you wish to go on a chuck wagon trail ride do some horse back riding get it done . Secret to a good life is to have a bucket list at all times and keep crossing  things off. Good Luck                   Bill 

    i think they  are looking for love in all the wrong places.

    try "plenty if fish"a dating site

    Bars! ;-)

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