    My son has for years had stomach problems. Cannot eat before 12:00 p.m. What's wrong?

    His stomach is very sensitive. It cramps. The doctors can't find
    anything wrong. He is underweight. (22 years old 130 lbs. 5'4".
    He is tired of doctors.

    0  Views: 580 Answers: 1 Posted: 13 years ago

    1 Answer

    I'm a nurse, my husband is a physician. If the doctors can't find an organic cause for your son's cramps, the cause is likely inorganic. He does have something going on that's causing this, but it's originating in his mind, as stress. When stress is prolonged, eventually it causes a physical reaction. That's because stress is related to our earliest survival instincts, and stress initiates the flight or fight response, and the accompanying chemical reaction in the body occurs. These stress hormones are this reaction helped us survive in caveman days, or when we need to run OFF the railroad tracks. In today's world, unaddressed stress eventually makes one ill physically. Often the "weakest" part of the body shows it first- I'll bet sensitive stomachs run in your family. In my life, it's my migraines that get worse when I have too much stress that I'm not dealing with.
    I also think of stress because he's 22 and you are the one looking for an answer. He's obviously been followed by a doctor for years. HIS BODY IS FUNCTIONING FINE, he just gets cramps if he eats before noon. I wake up at 6 AM and can't eat until 10 AM. I consider this just how I am, and I plan accordingly. It's not a big deal.
    I hope that as a loving Mom you can begin to "let go". Your son is fine, lots of doctors have said so. So he doesn't eat until noon- it'd not a bad thing, it's just how he is.
    Your son needs to learn to deal with his adult life, including how to handle stress. I think the most loving and supportive action by you would be to arrange therapy for your son so he can learn effective coping skills regarding life, which is always lived on bumpy roads by all of us.
    The unspoken message given to your son by all your worry is that he isn't OK as he is. That's a harmful message to get from one's Mother. Help your son by slowly releasing him from the grasp of your worry, as it will, and probably already is, adding to his stress.
    I don't want to hurt your feelings, Mom. I have 2 daughters and I understand Mother Love. I'm just suggesting that you focus on the big picture, which is that he is well and healthy, and will improve once he learns to cope with life, rather than fearing it, as you have unwittingly taught him.
    I give this advise with benevolent intentions. It's difficult to love our children and let them have their own life, but we must do that.
    I wish you and your son well. K

    welcome to the forum Nurse K. Good to have you here and great answer!! We get a lot of medical questions so hopefully you'll be able to answer some when you see them. Gave you a thumbs up for this answer. : )

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