    how was the first person on the earth born

    +3  Views: 1315 Answers: 16 Posted: 13 years ago

    16 Answers

    Adam was the first person, but he was not born, but created from the dust of the earth by God. The next generation was Eve's first child Cain who was born in the normal way.

    Adam and Eve as they were created, not born would not have had had navels, but Cain would have.

    This is witten in the bible (Book of Genesis) so it must be true.

    Winson Fraal

    The explanation of the phrase 'created from the dust of the earth' is: "everything in the universe is made from cosmic dust" hence : dust to dust; 'ashes to ashes' is referring to how the planet was formed and will eventually be destroyed.

    Go ask Alice


    "When she's 10 feet tall"

    I like that song.

    If god made the first human being then who made god and who made the PERSON who made GOD, and etc..

    Headless Man

    If you ever read the Bible you would know God always was.......

    God is infinate. He was always there, and He will always be there, b/c He is God

    The answer is blowing in the wind ...... Dylan


    Adam was born of the Holy Spirit when God Breathed life into him.

    The first person was a miracle and then all the other miracles happened next.

    Very likely via natural childbirth if the question is to be taken literally ... however, if it is asked existentially ... well then, as far as we can research ... do what benthere advises and read Genesis ... otherwise anything is possible ....



    He was born in a test tube.


    Lol, test tubes must go back long way then.


    I see the god squad were quick of the mark with their fairy tale of the origins of the human species. read this link hopefully it will lead you to further your knowledge,   

     and for mycatsmom, a little bit of information you need for your personal reference! 



    Number 1 !!!!!!

    Take the case of the chicken/egg.  The chicken evolved from the egg.  ["An egg was my downfall" -- the chickens' predecessor].  Man evolved from the Ape/Urangutang/Monkey/Chimpanzee league : could well have been a mongrel.


    Why are there still apes, etc?

    God was lonely , so he made Adam out of dust and a few other goodies., like spittle. Then, He realized Adam was lonely , so he made Eve, who proved to be Adam's downfall.

    Last week!!!!

    On the other side , when you say people , it was about 350,000 years ago. When people  like creatures evolved. People did evolve from single cell structure over millions of years. Remember when people said world was not round but flat. The bible is a great source of ways to live life , and a belief system for non scientific ideas of how life began.


    God created that single cell structure from which we have evolution, if you believe in evolution; which I don't. If we evolved from Apes, then why are there still apes ? None of the evolutionists ever have an answer for that.

    Moderator Compliments of Grit in case you're interested in expanding your mind mcm.

    An "Idea" in the mind of God.

    from a stone egg

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