    how do I get to my other yahoo account

    Several people in this house have yahoo accounts. i have two, one under Karen, how can I get to it.

    0  Views: 244 Answers: 1 Posted: 13 years ago

    I also want to know as well haha
    The new Yahoo seems hard these days, it's a lot harder than Hotmail and they are easier and safer to use. Oh if you do get a new account make sure to make your web browser to private browser. There's a high risk that the goverment can spy in your email! Doesn't matter how "little" your messages..

    1 Answer

    The only way is to sign out of one and then sign into the other. Here’s how:
    Click Sign Out just below "Hi, yourname" at the top of the page.
    This returns you to Yahoo!’s home page. Here, click Mail to sign into the other account.
    Using more than one account: You can use the same computer for multiple Yahoo! Mail accounts, but it isn't possible to be signed in to more than one account at a time in the same browser.
    If you have two different browsers on your computer—for example, Firefox and Internet Explorer—you can open both browsers to sign in to two different accounts.

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