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How to Enable Cookies http://www.ehow.com/how_2049772_enable-cookies.html
11 years ago. Rating: 2 | |
Hey sweetchild...how goes the battle? (< figuratively speaking! lol)

Wow, psych! I haven't used that term in years and I actually used it earlier today when greeting one of my neighbors. Are you in my head? LOL Anyway, things are good. Getting a lot accomplished. The wild kitten I found, well actually Digger found, has been healed of her upper respiratory infection and is now weened and eating on her own (no more hand feeding, yay!), is litter box trained and has been dewormed by using the silver my mother told me to use. She's ready for her forever home if I can find someone to adopt her.
Now that is funny-cool...strange things have been going on at night across the creek...I discovered that it's an 80 acre covenanted park....where no-one goes and yet three big trees have found their way to the ground...they look snapped...and then pieces from the middle are missing...just plain gone! I heard them come down and one nite I swear people were talking out there...but at 2 in the morning? hmmm.... Hang in there! kudos on the kitty fluffer! xo
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