I thought these answers were great --
26 Answers
Dysfunctional family structure, Poverty and Drugs.
13 years ago. Rating: 18 | |
This is such a sad situation. "I'd like to change the world but I don't know what to do"
laziness and drugs
13 years ago. Rating: 17 | |
#1 would most likely be different for the different kinds of crime that are committed. For example, the crime of murder has a different impetous than petty theft.
My generic thought would be the #1 cause of crime would be wanton disregard for commonly accepted civilized behavior.
13 years ago. Rating: 14 | |
I believe the number one crime is a liar!
It starts off small, then grows, you lie to get out of trouble, to blame others, you steal and lie to keep from getting caught, you commit murder and lie about it, Everything usually begins with a lie.
If you go by the ten commandment, one sin doesn't out weigh another, a lie is as bad as a murder.
It is man who taught people to think in lesser evils. Give the word a lesser meaning, like bad.
Bad is evil. I asked someone to name an evil person, she said Hitler. Well, if you have to murder over 6 million people to be considered evil....we are all safe!
13 years ago. Rating: 14 | |
13 years ago. Rating: 8 | |
I'm going to ask a question up top and wait for an answer from colleen.
I'm just kind of blown away by the answers here. Akaqa people are really special. We question. We think. I'm proud to be part of this special site on the computer.
Whoever brings this to us deserves great thanks.
I know Colleen cleans up the place and does some other things but who else is involved? They should stand up and take a bow.
13 years ago. Rating: 8 | |
jagoff, you idiot. Why did you vote me down?
13 years ago. Rating: 7 | |
There is some unfairness to this method. If someone give a TD, they should be required to explain why they did it. It would be good writing practice for them.
Don’t vote TD just because you disagree with a comment, as we encourage all comments, this is not a vote for best answer. Only vote TD for insulting or bad language.
If you vote TD you need to explain why, if it's not clear.
13 years ago. Rating: 6 | |