    Why do people think they are better than others?

    +6  Views: 1256 Answers: 11 Posted: 13 years ago

    could be any number of reasons but two that spring to mind are arrogance and snobbery.I reckon that(to put it politely)we all eat and sleep so no one is better than anyone else

    11 Answers

    Some people think they are better that others because, putting down people is a way to boost their self-esteem.


    Good answer my friend, I know a LOT of people boosting their self-esteem !!!

    Thanks my friend! :-)

    How true is that Pamels you have answered this question right on the money well done :-)

    Hi, Mel! :-)

    Over inflated egos and a grandiose idea of their own self-importance....most are definitely insecure in themselves and find that putting others down gives them a kind of a "rush" of sorts...they're basically just plain ignorant


    very good :-)

    Insecure people must boost their self image by putting somebody down.  They tend to show you what they have that you don't have.  This makes them feel powerful. It's only a temporary shot in the arm.  When the rush dies down, he still has to deal with his own insecurity, and the cycle continues.

    Pride and prejudice.

    The ego would have you think you are better than anyone else by whispering their faults in your ear and guiding you to suspect the motives of those who “pretend” to like you. The goal of the ego is to rule your life, make you selfish, spiteful and friendless…preferring yes men and fools to real friends and eventually lead you to suicide or global tyranny.  


    Love to answer robert lol

    Perhaps it all comes down to self opinion ?


    Most of these people are abusers of some type. They are called Narcissist.

    Nothing wrong with thinking that way. I certainly think I'm better than others on my expertise and some other things. However, it becomes problems, arrogance and overconfidence, and turns against you when it is not balanced with humbleness.


    fig jam

    PLE I know everyone has answered this question and agree with most of them its all to do with ego it makes them look bigger and the poor person who is getting it in the neck smaller, but out in the world alot of true people will see them for what they are egoistic they also suffer from egotism

    I got a ration of shit the last time I answered this question. Again, some people are better than others. I am better than the con artist, the thief, the abuser, the molester, etc; Not all people are good. Those who cause deliberate emotional harm to others have a special place in hell. 


    good answer ed lol

    May be i mist it. I don't think Anyone said that they were better at Any time i mite be wrong


    PLE is asking this question, because some people do act and feel this way towards others. :-)

    Under stood Thanks.

    You're Welcome! :-)

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