    whats in asparagus that are good for us??

    0  Views: 206 Answers: 2 Posted: 13 years ago

    2 Answers

    It's loaded with nutrients: Asparagus is a very good source of fiber, folate, vitamins A, C, E and K, as well as chromium, a trace mineral that enhances the ability of insulin to transport glucose from the bloodstream into cells.This herbaceous plant-along with avocado, kale and Brussels sprouts-is a particularly rich source of glutathione, a detoxifying compound that helps break down carcinogens and other harmful compounds like free radicals. This is why eating asparagus may help protect against and fight certain forms of cancer, such as bone, breast, colon, larynx and lung cancers.Asparagus is packed with antioxidants, ranking among the top fruits and vegetables for its ability to neutralize cell-damaging free radicals. This, according to preliminary research, may help slow the aging process.

     Some of you asparagus lovers, or haters, may still be wondering, 'why does asparagus make my urine smell funny?' There may be some of you who say that it doesn't make your urine smell funny, and you may be right.  According to an article by WebMD dietitian Elizabeth Somer, asparagus contains a sulfuric compound called mercaptan (asparagus.orglists a few other possible chemical culprits). When your body breaks mercaptan down into other components, the by-products create that distinctive bouquet. The same compound is found in rotten eggs, onions, garlic (asparagus is in the lily family too), and, yes, skunks. Some studies suggest that only certain people possess the gene necessary to break down asparagus and create the smell. Other research found that some people actually weren't capable of detecting the odor in various urine samples. So, maybe some of you are asparagus-proof, or maybe some of you just can't tell the difference.


    Around the 14th of March is when I get a real hunger for asparagus and eat it with every meal so as when St Patty’s is there and I’m out with my chums I can show my Irish linage by peeing green for all to see….Heralded as a Blarney stone miracle. 

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