    what are asparagus good for?

    0  Views: 374 Answers: 3 Posted: 13 years ago

    3 Answers

    There's evidence that it fights cancer. And eating it will help prevent cancer and other diseases. Plus, it taste good, if it's cooked right.


    No it doesn't, I love asparagus, I could eat it in my sleep if someone will hold the fork for me-- I also ended up with cancer too.. and kidney disease.. Didn't work for me, but on the lighter side.. I'm still here!! :)

    Grow it in your garden. Buy young plants (crowns) and plant in March. Don't cut until year 2. Needs fertile soil and keep weed free.

    Taste, deliciousness first!!!  Much nutritional value next!  Cook just as Umbriel says to.  Every year I lie in wait for asparagus to come into season........February, by the way.    P.S.  You have to remove the tough stalk ends and to do this bend the stalk abt 3/4 of the way down and it naturally snaps right off at the right place AND then cook/steam.  I love it simply with real butter, salt and pepper. Yummm.........Could make a meal of that alone!

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