    Do you think Obama will be re elected in 2012?

    +7  Views: 859 Answers: 12 Posted: 13 years ago

    12 Answers

    No. We need someone more experienced, someone who can create jobs and set this country on the path to recovery and make this country great again.

    Yes, President Obama shall be re-elected in 2012.


    We agree.
    Headless Man

    No he shell not, want to make a bet, no I forgot I don't bet.

    Thanks Robert! @Randy, we shall see in 2012. :-)
    ed shank

    Perhaps the question should be why would you vote for him? He's gone back on everything he's ever promised without exception. An elocutionist.

    Sure , there are alot more dumbasses that will vote for him now than before. The foodstamp president will reign again. Not me.

    Yes, if he is able to perform better in the remainder of his term.

    10 to 1 this person well be a female for the next term.  I'm only betting

    I hope not-- He hasn't done anything so far his campaign slogan " "yes we can' had turned into "no I can't" We need someone with fortitude, willing to stand up for America, not apologize for America.. I want him gone and replaced with someone a bit more of a centrist and someone less egotistical.. and someone that puts America first! And 'all its people' Not just the undesirables..

    ed shank

    He sucks, plain and simple.

    yes  I will  republicians are not  I REPEAT  ARE NOT for the average working middle class and below AMERICAN FAMILY.


    This is certainly what democrats believe that listen only to their information hotline.. This is not true, if it were, why are so many 'average' working Americans republicans?? You are speaking of 'lower than average and the poor and the unwilling' these are your Obama supporters.. and of course the higher elite educated as they are the true followers of each other.. Problem is as i talk to one of these 'super intelligent scientist or engineer they all repeat each other, they have no idea what is happening in the world, after all, they must remain the best in their fields, they have no time for such foolishness as politics, but yes, they vote.. :)
    Headless Man

    Right, Vinny, well said.

    No, no, no!!

    I'm pushing for impeachment. Have already written my congressmen. I have one who agrees with me.


    His numbers are down again! Lowest approval rating in history! America is waking up and taking the blinders off! Go USA! :D

    If 50 percent of outstanding arrest warrants were to be served in the USA, then no he would not be elected.  Why do i say that, its those kind of people that vote for him, dumbasses.

    ha ha ha only if the america people keep there eyes and erers closed like we have been doing


    The powers that be are ordained of God. Could be God feels this country needs another four years of Obama.


    Then God is backing the Muslim Faith. If that's the case, the Muslim are correct in saying Christianity is not the true faith. :)

    Not sure I follow your train of thought. But according to the bible, God decides what powers rise and fall.

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