My husband hurt his back, and he went to the doctor and they told him he had a pinched nerve in his lower back. The chriopractor said he couldnt work and that he needed to see them 3 times a week. I think this is a little outrageous so I was curious if a pinched nerve can heal on its own and how long it takes????
5 Answers
Not a doc so take this suggestion at your own risk. It works for me. Sometimes a pinched nerve can be fixed by compressing the area. For example, if on the right side of the spine, below the neck, hold the head, twist and push downward towards the right side and hold it for a few seconds. Do this gently as you could make things worse. The same could be said for the lower back, and twist the upper body downwards towards which ever side it is pinched.
14 years ago. Rating: 0 | |
I had a pinched nerve in my upper back from playing football. It lasted for years. Everytime I struck a blow and the muscles surrounding this nerve contracted, my arm would go numb and it felt like my back had a live electric wire fall on it. As long as I did not make contact in the manner that caused my pinched nerve to fire off, I was fine. A week or 2 off work and with therapy and he should be able to return to work as long as work does not cause the nerve to be pinched. Continue therapy for another 2 to 4 weeks. This is my personal advice only. I hope this helps you and answers your question more.
14 years ago. Rating: 0 | |
Sciatica? Try having someone press the point of their elbow in a circular motion in the area between your hip and butt, and anywhere else it hurts. If you don't have a spare elbow, you can roll a hard ball underneath your body in the same area