    how to cook cous cous

    0  Views: 646 Answers: 2 Posted: 13 years ago

    2 Answers

    The couscous that most of us pick up at the local grocery store is actually instant couscous. This is couscous that has already been steamed and dried for us. It only needs to be mixed with boiling water and allowed to sit undisturbed for a few minutes before being ready to eat.

    The proportions for cooking couscous are generally 1:1. A little less water makes drier couscous, good for salads or serving with sauces. A little more water makes softer and slightly sticky couscous. One cup of dried couscous makes about four cups of cooked couscous.

    What You Need

    1 cup instant couscous
    1-2 tablespoons butter or olive oil (optional)
    1 cup water or broth
    1/2 teaspoon salt


    sauce pan with lid

    1. Bring the Water to a Boil - Pour the water and butter (if using) into a small saucepan and bring it to a boil over high heat.

    2. Stir in the Couscous - Remove the pan from heat and pour in the couscous and salt. Stir to evenly moisten the couscous.

    3. Wait 10 Minutes - Cover the pan and let it sit for 10 minutes. If the couscous hasn't absorbed the water or still tastes crunchy after this time, cover and let it sit for a few more minutes.

    4. Fluff with a Fork - Gently break apart and fluff the cooked couscous with a fork before serving. If the rest of dinner isn't quite done, re-cover the pan after fluffing to keep the couscous warm.

    Additional Notes:

    • Microwave Version - Pour the couscous into a heat-proof bowl. Bring the water to a boil in the microwave and then pour over the couscous. Stir to moisten, cover the bowl with a dinner plate or plastic wrap, and wait 10 minutes. Fluff and serve.

    • Toasted Couscous - Toasting gives the couscous more flavor. Melt the butter or olive oil in the saucepan. Stir in the couscous until it smells fragrant and toasty. Boil the water separately, pour over the couscous, and proceed as normal.

    • Spiced Couscous - Try adding spices along with the couscous for a more flavorful dish. Start with 1/2 teaspoon total spices and adjust from there. 

    5 mistakes to avoid in the pursuit of perfect couscous:

    Mistake 1: You don’t choose whole-grain couscous.
    Although couscous looks like a grain, it’s actually pasta. Make sure what you’re buying is whole-grain. You’ll get an added boost of fiber. You may also notice Israeli couscous at the supermarket. This kind of couscous has larger granules and cooks differently than the smaller variety, and it is also not whole-grain.

    Mistake 2: You don’t use the proper water-to-couscous ratio.
    Although couscous is pasta, it actually cooks more like a grain. You can’t just dump dry couscous into a pot of boiling water and drain it. Make sure you’re using the right water-to-couscous ratio, which is 1 cup water to 2/3 cup couscous.

    Mistake 3: You add the couscous before the water has boiled.
    The couscous we buy at the market today is pre cooked. That means it’s pretty much ready to go right out of the box–one of the main reasons we love it so much. But it really only needs 5 minutes in very hot or simmering (not boiling) water (it varies by brand) to let moisture seep back in. So once you bring the water to a boil, don’t forget to take it off the heat after you add the couscous to prevent overcooking.

    Mistake 4: You don’t let it sit long enough.
    Those tiny granules of couscous need time to soften. Make sure your pot remains covered to capture the steam from the hot water. Otherwise, you run the risk of undercooking your couscous, causing it to be chewy or crunchy.

    Mistake 5: You forget to fluff.
    Right out of the pot, couscous can be dense. Fluff it gently with a fork by scraping the surface and breaking up the clumps for light and fluffy couscous. 

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    good job with the details, CB.

    CousCous is a very tiny pasta. All you really need to do is our boiling water over it and stir…...

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