2 Answers
I believe at one time it was the Romans...at another 'twas the Mongols..the Brits may have snagged a continent here and there or at least major portions thereof...and when you say the 'theft of a "race" of people' I assume firstly that you are in fact 'racist' by the very fact that you raise such a stupid word as 'race'...now if you are discussing genocide, well then we could start with the Judaic peoples...they've had a heck of a history of everyone and their dog attempting to annihilate them..and the North American First Nations Indigenous peoples were very nearly wiped off the planet in recent history....and the skin color thing...well, I don't know....and the notion you present that males set some sort of standard of beauty is a ridiculous statement and really does not reflect well upon you as an old-school boy...beauty, as ever, remains in the eye of the beholder whatever sex they be.
11 years ago. Rating: 2 | |