    Why isn't more effort put into uncovering scams and corruption in our system?

    Is there a reporting agency who really takes things seriously?

    +1  Views: 779 Answers: 4 Posted: 13 years ago

    4 Answers

    no one wants to stick their neck out. And no one wants to get on anybody's  s- - - -   list. Plus, all those crooked politicians are making too much money. So, they don't want to rock the boat.

    I got scammed for $30.00 on the net 20 years ago. To get my money back I worked on getting my money back including tracking the owner down to his house, his mothers first name, his social status, his car, wife’s name and his school records. By the time I was ready to take my complaint further , I choose to talk with his mother. I talked nicely to her for half an hour and ten minuets after we parted as friends, His secretary called and the refund arrived in two days.    

    Rip-offs should be aware that they can be found. Consumer agencies are ineffective from my experience, police usually don’t want to do anything. District attorneys  sometimes will check-out a complaint also the FBI especially if you can press their buttons flat by asking about Ricco Crime investigation money for internet crime investigations. Talking about money for a law agency to do their job and they perk-up. When you link in money for doing their job your priority goes up. 


    how the heck did you get all that personal info ? My friend,Carol couldn't get any info about Ted, the guy that scammed her brother.

    Businesses have physical locations and are generally open to expose who works there and what their position is. Business licenses are required in the US to do business and to pay taxes. This trail of responsibility provides the names of people associated with that business. Local newspapers have searchable papers on line and the name on the tax info for the business. Educational backgrounds are indicated in News Bios on folk mentioned in articles. Along the line are mentioned what high school and college they attended. The records of the faculty names and courses offered when the thief attended school and the classes they were enrolled in also. Within a few days I can get arrest and ticket information, a list of living relatives and what charities they support. Basically info leads to more and more information and after a while their medical history will come up in response to simple questions over the phone or internet without much of a struggle. It takes time and to get an understanding of what is needed you should backtrack yourself. You can do this without concern because you are just tracking back on yourself and you can pretend to be someone other than yourself to track-in more and more deeply.

    When I was looking for a doctor who would help me with back pain. I went to many and about half were really jerks. I'm not a difficult patient in any way.

    So after my appointment with "a jerk" I'd write to to medical board and tell my story. I let the letter sit over night and then I tore it up.  I didn't want to get a reputation as a trouble maker. Fear.

    There are so many reasons people don't react more. Most of us don't have time to follow through. There should be a simple, safe place where we can report. How about the police, the sherrifs, Department of Consumer Affairs,  Better Business Bureau, Their boss ... I don't know what you're looking to report and I doubt that you're even looking anymore, :  )

    We have a law allowing ungovernable internet access in the Cayman Islands and other countries according to their rules of their internet use. This opens a path for illegal activities, blind trust funding, scams and and banking fraud to go on untraceable beyond their intake account.

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