    what is it going to take for more people who are blind to open their eyes and TRULY SEE what is really going on in the world??!

    I am talking about truly see with the eyes of their heart what is going on in this world and not blindly believe everything they are told as if this is the facts and the truth...More and more journalists are speaking out and speaking up so loud and clear but many are still not reacting is as if they are sleeping and living in a bubble...the world is under attack!!the entire world is under one evil organization and Islam is definitely the one responsible for the lost souls or the many innocent  victims killed and being slaughtered in the name of socialism...the world is truly going to end one day and many are on the wrong track...maybe another world war will be the last wake up call???only God knows!...just my thought right now after this Irene Hurricane disaster...I am even wondering if this was not man-made hurricane

    0  Views: 562 Answers: 4 Posted: 13 years ago

    4 Answers

    as in the days of noah people will be marrying and running around like nothing is about to happen. they too were warned. they chose not to listen. oh what they probably looked like when the rains came down and they realized what was going on. by then it was too late. going to be like that in the last days

    There are 2 religions at war Islam is one of them.


    So, what do you think is the "other" Religion at war besides Islam?

    Another good thought... Look up Chemtrails  and see what u get..... packrat2222

    Sounds like u have eyes that see..., and a

    mind that thinks,  Rare today...packrat2222

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