    matthew 19:23 and matthew 19:24 do these 2 verses mean rich people will have hard time 2 enter Paradise?

    matthew 19:23= Then Jesus said to his disciples, "I tell you the truth, it is hard for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven. and matthew 19:24= Again I tell you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God."

    0  Views: 502 Answers: 3 Posted: 13 years ago

    3 Answers

    to me it means two things

    1. it's alright to have wealty as long as you put god first..2 you must rid yourself of earthly desires, not nessecialry earthly needs

    Do not despair if you are rich.  Although the 2 verses used are somewhat metaphoric, they describe the difficulty in which a rich person can enter the kingdom of heaven. The reality is there actually was an "eye of a needle" in Jerusalem City wall.  The "eye of a needle" here refers to the gate whereby one would use to enter the city.  Said gate was built so low that the only way a camel was to enter was to get on 4 knees.  This was such an uncomfortable task that camels totally hated because it had to be unloaded or to "crawl" through the gate.  Well, if you're rich, you can, fortunately, make it to heaven.  However, it'd require more effort on your part to do good deeds for others.

    this means if the rich man is greedy and don`t help the poor and needy he will have a hard time to make it into heaven if at all. God expects us to help people who ask of us and not expect anything in return. he does not want you to just give up everything and live in poverty. he wants us to have plenty and share a little too

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