8 Answers
Put the meds. down,and seach within ones self.
13 years ago. Rating: 3 | |
If you have every really had depression and anxitey you would know it is nothing you can control.
Anxiety is an affective brain disorder. It cannot be willed to stop.
I was the same as you about 30 years ago.Ithoughtall this anxiety stuff was a bunch of weaklings.
I believed that anyone who felt anxious just had to practise and learn what made them anxious.
Well,did I have a wake up call. One of our children had "anxiety" and I learned very fast that is was NOT what I thought it was.
It is really, really, a brain malfunction. If you want to know about Anxiety find a good medical web page and read.
Oh, you don't throw away your medicine, either, at lest until you discussit with your primary care giver.
I was the same as you about 30 years ago.Ithoughtall this anxiety stuff was a bunch of weaklings.
I believed that anyone who felt anxious just had to practise and learn what made them anxious.
Well,did I have a wake up call. One of our children had "anxiety" and I learned very fast that is was NOT what I thought it was.
It is really, really, a brain malfunction. If you want to know about Anxiety find a good medical web page and read.
Oh, you don't throw away your medicine, either, at lest until you discussit with your primary care giver.
See Your Doctor soon The medication you are probely on do take time to get into the your system they dont normaly work for about a month to six weeks but I think the most important thing you can do is to find out the real cause of all this write things down with stearting with 1 to 10 on how you feel and this will help if you need counceling good luck
13 years ago. Rating: 2 | |
I take meds for both depression and anxitey. Get so tired of going in circles with Dr.s just want to feel human again.
13 years ago. Rating: 2 | |
I felt the same way and my Dr. added Abilify. It worked for me. This is after 30 years of antidepressants alone.
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