    what is bv

    0  Views: 598 Answers: 2 Posted: 13 years ago

    2 Answers


    Bacterial Vaginosis>>>

    Bacterial vaginosis—also known as vaginal virus—is a sort of health disorder that affects vaginal liberation and abnormal growth of infrequent bacteria in the vagina. This could be dangerous sign for many women as this not only causes change in the vaginal opening or external lining, but also causes pain in the outer as well as inner lining of the vagina, if the case goes severe. Many women treat it as their normal menstrual periods; however, they come to know later, when the bacteria multiplies. The most common symptoms of bacterial vaaginosis are fishy odor—most likely the smell of a trout fish, thick yellow discharge (not like the normal one), and pain in the inner lining of the vagina. If you find such symptoms down there, this could be the alarm for bacterial vaginosis.

    This would be a rather more discounting way to treat bacterial vaginosis as normal. This is not normal and if you will not treat it well, you will get more pain with more bacterial area around your vagina. Therefore, whenever you spot these symptoms, rush immediately to your nearby doctor, and tell them all that you faced. Your doctor will not only examine in detail but will also prescribe some antibiotics as per your physical condition.

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