    We all know that lying is in us,in our human DNA...but Why lying even when you do not have to lie?

    0  Views: 499 Answers: 4 Posted: 13 years ago

    4 Answers

    you are so right Daisy!!!!love in essence is supposed to have as subject people not things....true so true!!!but now I guess many people do not really know etymology and semantic...

    I was taught evil was something vile and inhuman. Bad was a little thing that needed correcting. I was taught wrong. Many words, once I learn their true meaning as an adult shocked me. Actually, upset me to no end. I realize now, when people talk do they don't  always know what they are saying. There are three more words I was taught incorrectly, hate, love, and welfare.

    Did you know only in America you will hear, "I love that car, shirt, state...etc..."

    You only love people, you like everything else.


    Being a liar is not part of our DNA.

    Personality is half inherited and environment is the other half. Being a liar is a conscience choice.

    Never believe otherwise! Save yourself from a lot of future heartache. If a person freely lies, they have no morals! Stay away from them.



    exactly my point...THANKS!i am not talking bout a lie once in a while when you forgot something or was not thinking before you answered someone...I am talking bout some individuals who lie just for the sake of lying,deceiving etc...and enjoy lying or really want you yo believe what they say to be truth when they already know it is a lie

    Long ago it was important to teach Morals! We have gotten away from that teaching. We even changed the words, to lesser words, like evil is now bad.

    Look it up!

    Evil is knowingly doing a moral wrong.

    Bad is knowingly doing a moral wrong.

    You might hear telling lies is bad, No it is Evil.

    I hate to hear someone say, " he is a bit naughty, or he is a bad boy!" (Talking about adults) It's like telling him it's okay to be a bit naughty. It's not.

    Doing Evil is never right, or okay. We should never accepted the word "bad" to take evils place!

    I asked someone, name an evil person, their answer Hitler.

    Well, I guess, if I don't kill 6 million people plus, I'm not evil! VERY WRONG!

    a Liar is doing Evil, a thief  is doing Evil, and Murderer is doing Evil.

    Morals in this world seem to be GONE WITH THE WIND!



    great feedback thanks a million!to me bad and evil is the same thing...what I know being bad or evil is what God says evil and bad is...I go according to holy scriptures..we all lie,sometimes we lie because we forgot and said something that was not true and then realize what we did but I am talking here about situations where people do not have to lie at all,they know you already know they are lying and still continue lying...I guess it is something to do with fear,rejection??

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