    why are insurance companies ripping people off

    +1  Views: 469 Answers: 3 Posted: 13 years ago

    3 Answers

    good question!ive just changed my insurance,seems to me theyre happy enough to take your premiums but not to return your overpayments.

    Here is an example, had house fire several years ago. Adjuster from insurance company comes out says can fix for 10,000.  He said that will cover everything. I told him he was a con artist and kicked him off the property . I immediately got lawyer and threatened to sue them , and would put add in paper for very bad publicity. Not only did i get what i wanted ,my premiums went down within a year. So yes, they will screw you in a heartbeat if given the chance. They are your friends when taking money, but not when they need to dish it out.

    Lots of people think they are but its not true.

    The Insurance buisness is a BUISNESS with a goal to make money like any other buisness.

    They charge you a fee in hopes you never need to collect on it. If enough people get into the money pool there is plenty to cover the people THAT DO have accidents and still show a profit for the Insurance Companies share holders.

    Then a little thing came along called LAWYERS and enormous LIBEL SUITS that have decimated the industry.

    The more money the insurance company has to dish out to the SUERS, the HIGHER your premiums will go to help replenish the money pool.

    THEY ain't ripping you off..........LAWYERS ARE.


    Good Answer TSC :-)

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