    how long can menopauses last?

    0  Views: 578 Answers: 3 Posted: 13 years ago

    3 Answers

    After 10 years of having hot flashes, I asked my ob/gyn, "How much longer"? His answer...."Some women have them for the rest of their lives".  I can attest, at age 74, he was right. I still have them at night, at least once a week. I can also say that I have NO friends who have only had symptoms for a year or two. More like 6-10 years.

    Depends, are you measuring time by your misery accruing with time? The usual year to two. But longer emotional attributes can make it last for until the last threads of hope finally snap. Forever unless you yourself unlock the secret to peace.


    So do I understand that you think it is mental?

    I don't understand my own answer except for a year or two. Mental? To a degree, yes. Grant it I was raised in a household that held no sympathy for monthly cramps as they were all in the sufferer's head.

    It is sad your family did not understand your personal pain. Many families don't! We are women , we are strong! Let's try to measure happiness rather than misery ♥♥

    depends on the woman. But, I would say the accompanying symptoms of menopause can last for a year to  1 1/2 years.Some women, like my cousin and me don't have any untoward symptoms at all- - -except for the cessation of menstruation .

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