    What dish are the French famous for?

    +4  Views: 736 Answers: 10 Posted: 13 years ago

    10 Answers

    Dishes;  Brigitte Bardot, Catherine Deneuve.


    Talk about past their sell by dates old and shrivelled

    The list is endless. French cuisine is refined and extremely tasty. However, the portions are generally rather skimpy,in my opinion. That's why I prefer Italian. But if you want to impress your partner and enjoy a long tete a tete with glorious wine, French cuisine is the way to go.

    Just remember that you'll likely make a pit stop at the local McDonald's drive-thru before going to bed.

    French Onion Soup and Coliflower au gratin

    Famous French food is Beef Bourguignon ( Beef Burgundy ), A beef stew cooked in red wine, Mushrooms, Onions and Bacon. The dish originates from - Burgundy.

    Cabbage. They have 173 ways of cooking it and 17 are 'Haute Cuisine'.

    Escargots - Another famous French food that is not nearly so popular as has been rumored, but yes, the French do eat snails.

    Snails & frogs legs.YUK!!

    French restaurants have been told recently to get their act together and stop fooling customers that all items on their menus are 'fait maison' that is to say made on the premises. Many have been using boil in the bag products. I live in France and believe that you eat better in France and worse in France than anywhere else. At least you can get a fairly good 3 course  lunch with wine and coffee for about 13  €uros.


    One of my favourites Catherine Deneuve "Belle de Jour"  what class and what clothes all designed by French designers as were Audrey Hepburn's.. I like Brigitte because she has an animal sanctuary in France I digress - Delicious cuisine too. Coq au vin.

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