    did bruce lee die of a heart attack?

    0  Views: 522 Answers: 3 Posted: 13 years ago

    3 Answers

    Best and most accepted explanation as to the cause of death of Bruce Lee.

    Bruce Lee died on the 20th of July, 1973 and to this day the facts of his sudden demise are not fully clear. Was it a reaction to medicine taken to control cerebral edema? Was it the Chinese Government / Kung-fu clans that did not want Lee to teach Westerners powerful fighting techniques? Was it a jilted lover? Triads that demanded protection money? Or a death-touch (dim mak) strike by a martial artist?

    The most accepted sequence of events is probably the correct one…Bruce had already had a close shave with death when he suffered full-body seizures in the month of May in 1973. This happened on the sets of “Enter the Dragon“; the film which immortalized Lee and made us learn that “boards…don’t hit back!”

    Bruce Lee was found dead in actress Betty Ting Pei’s apartment where he went after an afternoon meeting with movie producer Raymond Chow. There were rumors that Bruce Lee was killed elsewhere and then moved to Betty’s place; the complete truth on the issue like that of JFK’s death is probably always going to be a mystery. Anyway, the accepted story, one put forward by a coroner and agreed to by Lee’s wife is that Lee developed swelling in the brain because of hypersensitivity to a chemical found in the tablet Equagesic. After taking the tablet, Lee went into a coma from which he did not wake up. The autopsy also found traces of cannabis in Lee’s stomach but the coroner dismissed the finding as inconsequential; there is a big chance though that the cannabis and the analgesic together reacted and did him in.

    Lee was only 32 years when he moved on and was buried in Lakeview Cemetery in Seattle.

    From the Manolith team.


    I thought it was cancer. I'll have  to check out C.B.'s link........

    country bumpkin

    Every link I checked said something different. ROMOS will know, he's a big fan but we'll have to wait and get his answer tomorrow.

    I can't wait. Make sure I'm notified, email me....
    country bumpkin

    LOL.. Just check back here for an answer. I have not responded to any of my emails in recent weeks. I need to get busy!

    Check my answer girls.

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