    Are we still evolving?

    Does evolution happen in humans these days?

    +5  Views: 851 Answers: 8 Posted: 13 years ago

    8 Answers

    My process of evolution is nearly complete.


    Does that mean you are going to die soon?

    Several million years of refinement in our evolution are most likely to be required and then there is considerable time to perfect our personal problem solving ability.

    Dying is not the goal of our evolution.

    The fact that we are all so very different in appearance & abilities is a pretty good indicator that we are still evolving. There are many biological variations and many of these are vital for long term human survival. Eventually these differences will be blended into our heritage of humanity. We will be one amalgamated race of people with many common features such as very long life and health, one language and one religion.  Eugenics failed by seeking to weed out unpopular races and breeding for specific qualities, narrowing diversity as in the practice of animal husbandry. This practice failed to consider the fact that horses of several breeds brought to the Americas with Columbus and free to breed without intervention for 300 years developed the Indian Paint breed which is far superior to its lines of ancestry. Consider what that means for those of us who have a mixed racial heritage.   


    Excellent answer. I would hope however that the human race would evolve so that it did not need religion, a major source of conflict and serving no useful purpose.

    Religion is simply the internal quest to seek out our origin and accept the peace that enables us to rest securely in that understanding.

    I think we are as are all living things

    Yes, we are maturing (a better word for aging) as time goes on.

    ok this is a pokemon thing: if your trainer gives you a fire stone when your eevee you will change into a flareon. but, if your still white all around that means your still evolving. that is MY anwser.

    if you dont understand any of that im sorry

    Of course, all living things evolve with time...

    I hope so, otherwise what would be the point?

    I do believe the human races are still evolving.


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