    Do you need an attorney to file for a Divorce

    0  Views: 829 Answers: 6 Posted: 13 years ago

    6 Answers

    I did my own divorce by picking up the book called: How To Do Your Own Texas Divorce. It had all of the paperwork needed with instructions. Check out your local book store in your state……..


    Jh , good idea, if you didn't have much property to split. My step-daughter and her husb both used the same attorney for that reason . And it was cheaper.

    Not in the U.S. Of course, doing it by yourself can save big buck$. In the NYC area, for example,  the average lawyer probably charges $350/hr. That said, even if you're familiar with the law, know how to write, respectful to the court, judges and court attorneys do not like pro se litigants. If the opposing spouse has an attorney, they can be in cahoots and really torment you...motions denied, prohibited ex-parte communication, not taking you seriously, even having you pay the opposition's attorney's fees when you, yourself, are unrepresented, etc. 

    No but you'd be better off getting one if you can afford it.

    True, but good luck getting one who possesses knowledge, aggressiveness, compassion, and integrity.

    If you're looking for clients, we are not the site for you. The site owners would have to charge you for advertising.

    No you probably don't but I would say it would be wiser if you found a good one.

    Eagleye - my friend's daughter is getting a divorce - it must be the longest divorce proceedings ever - over three years now and my friend is subsidizing this - so better be a good lawyer - I would have fired this lawyer some years ago. Just do not understand it.


    years ago, my g.friend's attorney was playing this trick on her. He strung out her divorce for months . When she asked him why , he said, " Well, you people can't get your property dispute settled " not true. They needed an attorney to tell them how to split up the property .

    I keep asking my friend what are they up to - I'm not sure who is playing tricks - the lawyer or her daughter and husband. Her daughter has found a new man now so maybe this will speed things up. I am sure though knowing lawyers they are playing tricks too as you say. thankyou.

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