I pose this question, because I know that it is one of the greatest, most controversial, mysteries to mankind. I personally already know the answer to this question, and do so, based upon personal experience and witness to the undeniable evidence. The answer is YES. We are not alone! There is a spiritual universe sitting just beyond the outer edges of this physical universe, which humanity will soon discover if it continues to look further and further into space. I personally was born into this life aware of several of my past lives and the task that was asked of me, by a spirit. One that I consider to be my “spirit guide”. Over time, I learned how to understand the spiritual projections that were being projected at me, from time to time, by this spirit. Then with this faith based awareness actively inside of me, my spirit guide was then able to orchestrate events that involved other people to help bring me to this higher level of conscious awareness where I now have complete spiritual absolution. In one encounter, I was asked to go outside under the stars, where I was then led to discover a group of galaxies with my naked eyes. This was something that I thought was humanly impossible, yet with my spirit guide’s direction, I accomplished in front of an eye witness. Prior to that event, and prior to the discovery or exposure of the Nebra Sky Disc, I was led to discover the very same star cluster that is shown on that historical artifact. Scientists have mistakenly stated that the image on the disc represents the Pleiades Star Cluster, when it looks nothing like it. The never before recorded image that I discovered looks exactly like the image shown on the disc. A center star surrounded by six semi-equally spaced outer stars. And the location of my discovery was deep within the Constellation Orion, which we all know is the constellation focused on most by ancient civilizations. I believe this group of stars is the first piece of evidence that suggests our universe was created, because there isn’t just one unique group of stars, like this, within this star cluster, there are actually three. Three unique groups of seven (suggesting 777). In 2001 I took part in a woman’s healing, which in that event, I was approached by a completely different spirit, one that I ponder was actually her spirit guide, for it was obviously there on her behalf. Not only was the woman completely healed, I also received a miraculous physical sign of the intervention having been successful. A large white calcium deposit developed within my left thumbnail, just weeks or months following the intervention, which was something that I’ve never had occur before, yet the woman herself had calcium deposits within all of her fingernails. I ponder that there might be others out there with profound stories like mine, that can provide further strong evidence of this reality. With my inner senses focused, I not only can detect the spirit projecting itself at me, but can also point out the spirit’s exact location from which it is projecting. And just in case your wondering, yes people can also project themselves in this very same manner, yet few are aware of the fact that they are actually doing it, when they in fact are. Most people’s souls normally stay active within the body, but often reach outwards when faced with the threat of facing their mortality or when seriously doing some soul searching.
26 Answers
Quantum physics and dualism connect with these theories if ones considers the existence of any possibility then when given enough impetus it shall manifest for its creator, the physical body relies on the five senses, so perception creation are limitless to ones imagination , hence spirit world, god,healing, etc,each question designed to pose another such as is everything we do and see just our illusion.
14 years ago. Rating: 1 | |
Indeed one must look inside ones self; that listen ;) A journey there can be most wonderful when one discovers one true and glorious self (not personality :(). It can also be a terrifying one, when the personality is confronted by that self depending on the character of one. But it is the beginning of the healing. There are many realms to pass through, on the Astral Plane (emotional realms), at the lower and the Causal (Spiritual) at the highest, the mentgal plane in between and each having its many levels. Chuckles, all contained in the same space at the same time :)
13 years ago. Rating: 1 | |
All they'll learn you details of in a Christian church is what's in the Bible, a book written by many men thousands of years ago and a book the content of which has been chopped about and altered over millenia to suit the political climates of the different time periods it was written in. As a book, it neither proves nor disproves the existence of any God.
14 years ago. Rating: 1 | |
The fact is the Bible was written/scripted by the Sub-Apostle, the Ante Nicene Fathers, who received any such collections or teachings of the real life apostles of Jesus, who himself, never wrote anything. These Sub-Apostle had great influence over these collected works, picking choosing, editing etc. In fact the very word Bible means "Canon of Sripture" and Canon means "collection," Thus collection of teachings. Sadly, much was changed much left out. :( But be of good cheer theres enough to stimulate the soul on its journey.
The prophecies, that have been correct in great detail, in the Bible shows it was inspired by GOD.
I refrain from believing or denying anything because the practice obscures the potential for knowing. I know, I did not create myself and I know who did. He calls me Son. I call him Father. My paternal parents I call mom and dad. Neither were present so long ago when I was with my creator father. These facts are part of me. When I look to other people I see spiritual beings with their human form-bodies like myself. That I see this and many other spiritual beings, many of whom are not linked to human bodies but serve in various support roles. To me these are the facts I have lived with all of my time here.
13 years ago. Rating: 0 | |
I believe in Farther Son and Holy spirit. Simple as that, go to a good christian church to learn details.
14 years ago. Rating: 0 | |
Then you believe your reflection of God. Particularly if you live it, for his shape and reflection in this realm is that is "GOOD"
I know this may be a strange view and it's only a theory, but Albert Einstein believed there to be at least 10 different dimensions, why couldn't the spirit realm be just a different dimension?
13 years ago. Rating: 0 | |
Strangely enough that poor guy they call the 'master of the universe' concluded that there were 9 dimensions, but he admitted that he only knew of 4 the 4th being time, past and future. I read some of his books but they hardly begin to compare with the depth of knowledge in scripture. Hawkins thats the man
Yes, there is a spiritual realm, if there wasn't, there wouldn't be a physical realm. The physical realm is the Binary Effect of the spiritual realm. (read the book, "The Binary Effects of God"). In other words, the physical realm is the EFFECT of the CAUSE spirit realm. The spirit realm is the cause, the physical realm is the effect. It is how all things are in existence, and also proves the existence of God when carried to the untimate extreme. The spirit realm was the original ACTION, and the physical realm is the reactive REACTION.
So yes, there are also spiritual beings. People sometimes think they lived past lives, however, they haven't. However, the spirit being lived in that person's past life, and has found you now to make you believe what they want you to believe, revealing certain things of the person(s) past life. However, although they will sometimes tell you truth to get you to believe them, only to get you to swallow greater deception later on, and eventualy draw you away from the truth of God.
I wouldn't play with what you are playing with. It will come back and haunt you in a way I guarantee you will not like.
13 years ago. Rating: 0 | |
I see this is a forum dominated by sheep! as to you question, no! as for your witness, i gather that he/she is into the same "spiritual" beliefs as you are so will "believe" what you say.
if you have no proof, all you have is "faith" and "faith" does not count as evidence.
13 years ago. Rating: 0 | |
i find the most reasonable answer is what albert einstein answered to the question about the existence of god. to paraphrase him , he said that the existence of a biblical god is the thinking of an eight year old; but god is the god of reason and logic. i have never heard a better explanation.
13 years ago. Rating: 0 | |
13 years ago. Rating: 0 | |
Well people i do belive in god and you should to or you will go to hell so..... belive in god
13 years ago. Rating: 0 | |
God forgives all that seek it and to tell someone they will go to hell if they do not believe is taking away their free will. Non believers do not go to hell they have a choice of acceptance of God as we all do as long as a non believer does good and learns from his or her mistakes they will not go to hell. They will just be further away from the light, it does not make you any better of a person because you believe it just simply means you have learned Gods teachings.
Many scientists believe that there are many other dimensions besides the one we exist in, one of which may be the spirit realm, all co-existing at the same time, but vibrating at a higher rate of energy, so they are normally invisible to us. Certain gifted people, however, mediums and psychics, can make contact with the spirit world. As for reincarnation, there is enough evidence to consider it a possibility, but it seems that many souls, who may have had a very traumatic time in their recent earthly life, are forced to reincarnate before they have enough time for their trauma to be healed or before they are ready by spiritual bullies (yes, there are some right bastards over there, too).
There is, of course, no apparent logic to being forced to live one unhappy and traumatic lifetime after another because the more lives we have, the more we will become perfect enough to be with God. But God could have made all souls perfect in the beginning and then there would be no need for reincarnation...however, common sense doesn't seem to be one of God's traits.
As for me, I have no conscious memory of any previous life or lives. But that doesn't prove I never had any. Maybe it's a good thing that we don't remember our previous lives, as we have enough to cope with coping with our present life without remembering past traumas. However, although, generally speaking, conscious memories of previous lives are not carried over into the present life, emotional memories and talents from a previous life do sometimes get through by some sort of freak of nature. This would account for child progidies who can play the piano at four years of age like a professional when they've had no training...well, not in this life, anyhow. But this also demonstrates that if there is some kind of God or supreme being who set all this up, he isn't perfect and makes mistakes.
14 years ago. Rating: 0 | |
David, there is no mistake in that which is perfect. Even as the Life in you is perfect, as it is the very Presence of God. If it isn't perfect it simply isn't on His plane. It is in the activities of the lower planes in the "Existence;" contained in the Time Sphere. In the this Sphere there are many lesser Spheres. Man himself a Sphere within spheres. Lessor spheres all of which swirl around around his perfect energized center, individuated Life, His ideas, of Himself exploring, evolving perceptions, of himself, for the sake of His idea of precious Souls.
Common sense is entirely in the domain of men and the world. It is a thing that must be earned and learned through hard experience. It is not instinct as given to the elementals who are born with its aspects. Common sense is entirely relative, for what is common sense to one is not necessarly common sense to another; doctor, lawyer, truck drive etc.
In the Philosophies, Logic is considered or refered to as "the doctrine of fallacy, because it also so is "relative" the etc's.
Reincarnation is a most exciting evolutionary process seen by those who have the eye to prerceive and the heart hear, thus being citizens of two worlds (objective/Subjective), in that understanding. While worldly men have faith only in that which ends, unable to "see" beyond it. They are the inhabitants of one world, a material, physical, and literal world; a world of measures, for the Pretender (Personality) is dominate creature, not yet true men. They don't know the truth of themselves, within themselves. Reincarnation is the loving gift given that they may find themselves.
Only more evolved persons will have any rememberances of former lives. Though one may have disjointed dreams, of what formally was. Bits of memories carried over.
God is love and in his mind hell fire was not is not in his heart. cause you as parent would never put ur child in fire for ever because he has did sin against you. and your child has asked you to forgive him. so does tht make since to punish your child forever where is your love. that is why God sent his onlybegotton son for us to have forgiveness
13 years ago. Rating: 0 | |
Sin cannot exist in Heaven. So GOD gives us the choice, but we will not be sinless until we get there.
you can not see air...but your breathing it....all you see when you see the wind is the results of the invisible air and yet you feel it and see the results of the wind....just because we can not see it doesn't mean that it doesn't exist when we talk of things about God...you can feel his presents and even when you dont feel his presents he is still with you and in you as his word says....i did like most of your answer which is why i wanted to throw in my 2 cents.
13 years ago. Rating: 0 | |
'Spirituality' is simply the outcome of psychic trauma experienced at birth time and in the early childhood of some rare people.They develop halucinatios and strange thoughts as a defece mechanism to get off the tragic state of mind.The less affected persons of the same same category are attracted towards their sayings ,otherwise the fact is that nature is everything and everything is happening in a natural way it cannot happen otherwise.Even nature has no power to do it in a different way.
Nature is only a system not power.That system is called god and now you can see who could create god or if there is really a god.
13 years ago. Rating: 0 | |
Rubbish! & Ditto