    why does my wife cheat on me?

    0  Views: 1208 Answers: 11 Posted: 13 years ago

    11 Answers

    Having been on both sides of the cheater fence, experience tells me neither is a god place to be, and riding the fence doesnt work well, either.

    A marriage is supposed to be monogamous.  If our society condones and supports infidelity, we are regressing, not progressing as a civilized people.  If your wife is habitually cheating on you with multiple lovers (or even just one), your question should be,

    Why am I still married to a woman who cheats on me?


    Well said!

    In my experience not all women like the idea of being a wife or lover of just one man. Some prefer sexual partners on their own terms and some of those partners may be women also. A dear friend of mine has 7 children, each child’s father is different and she presently resides at a commune of women with children.  Our relationships are changing with our greater freedom and broader cultural embrace. There is no turning back to primitive patterns of control and dominance, thank God.  

    Check here >>>


    Hang on I'll just ask her.


    I know. Horrid, but hysterical

    Robert has a good answer. I will add, some people genetically may not be able to have the control to stay with one partner for life. A one partner life is a learned behavior. Hormones play a part in this. It affects the brain more than you think.

    Have you asked HER? It really doesn't matter 'why' she cheats on you. The fact that she does, indicates that you have a decision to make. Do you think so little of yourself that you are willing to tolerate the cheating? Do you have enough self-respect to know that living with a cheater is not a requirement of marriage? (She has broken the vows.) YOU need to decide what is best for YOU!

    If you do not give her what she wants to keep her happy,she will find someone who does..and so would you if the roles were reversed..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    What goes around come around, Your wife is cheating on you than she will haft do deal with it latter in life,and most likely that when you wont be concern for her unhappiness,for all the hurting she cause you.

    Be honest, have you ever cheated on her? 

    Are you building a new home and taking a long time. ?

    Some times in true reality, Life is more interesting when the grass is greener on the other side of the fence.

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