8 Answers
kids do best with two parents......each of the opposite sex. That's so a girl can learn what is good in a good husband and father so that she will be enabled to pick out a good man for herself when she is marriageble age. And vice versa for a boy. Two parents are also best, b/c if something happens to the one parent, the child (ren ) always has the other parent to raise them.
11 years ago. Rating: 7 | |
Back in the olden days, particularly where I live, men and women married each other, quite often because they loved each other and wanted to share a home as they shared their lives. During the course of marriage, the couple would often conceive a child, sometimes repeatedly. The children would be siblings (sisters and brothers). The couple would become parents, often known as father/mother, daddy/mommy, dad/mom (or mum), pa and ma, etc.
11 years ago. Rating: 3 | |