
    It must be hard to leave a lifetime of memories not knowing whats going to happen .

    +5  Views: 1419 Answers: 13 Posted: 13 years ago

    My heart goes out to you Daz but if your safe that is all that matters you can always remember and no one can take that away from you

    13 Answers

    I'm evacuating. My state is in the "extreme" zone for danger. I'm heading to central PA. I won't be online for a few day. I hope when I come home, I'll still have a home.


    This is going to be the " BIG ONE " you are smart . Good luck to you .

    I wish you to be safe at all times, andhope your home will be ok.

    Thank you, both of you. This should be an interesting trip. Me, two dogs and 15 screaming birds on the road for 6+ hours depending on stops, lol

    You need to get going. As far as I can tell, it is reaching parts of PA. too.Worst will be along the coast. My youngest daughter lives in Emmaus, near Allentown PA. Good luck and stay safe.

    I'll be leaving tomorrow. My mom lives in middle PA As far as I can tell she is beyond the far reaching bands of the hurricane. If it wasn't for the fact that I have huge trees all around me, I might stay and ride it out but the trees concern me, so off I go! :)

    Good luck Colleen.Please take care.

    Thanks Tommy :)

    Colleen You take are and I will be thinking of you and your Anilmals and Birds preyers for all lol

    Hope you find everything safe and sound when you get back,take care.

    Be safe, hope all is well with you + 2 dogs and 15 birds, also, for family and friends. Take Care! :-)

    i pray you still have a home when u return-))))

    im sorry to hear that. i hope everything goes well for you and your family

    DAZ111, Thank you for your answer, I have seen hurricanes on TV news, that is scarey enough. My prayers and thoughts are with people that are in  its path.


    Your welcome , I am sure many of your prayers will be answered . It is going to be interesting .

    TSC. Your area has mandatory evacuation, I would not stay, so close to the ocean. They are constantly changing theire predictions. Better safe than sorry. Check in later, when  will know more. In the meantime stay safe.


    There isn't an evacuation order for my area Pam. We have the local news on all day.

    I have friends that live in Rumson, NJ. Close to the Ocean and they evacuated.. I also have two sons  and theire families living in CT. and they are very worried. Myself, I live in central NH. and I know I will probably loose power and maybe some trees. I dont live in a flood zone and that is the only good thing. Thanks for your prayers Dollybird, we will need them.

    Wish I could answer this question, and be honest. I dont live in States, or a country, that has had a hurricane. If I did live in States, Im sure  I would evacute. I would be to scared to stay, unless like one Lady, cant recall which State she lives in, on her own, and she refused to evacute, because she is not allowed to take her pet dog. I know I could never leave my pest behind either.


    I live about 90 miles from the shore in New Jersey .Most people in the age group of 20- 40 have no idea what is going to hit them . It is like a big twister that hangs around and rips apart what it can . It hangs out for hours dumping rain , flooding everything , flipping houses . This is a cat 3-4 . A twister comes and goes . The advantage of a hurricane is you know it is coming and you can evacuate . Just my thought

    Well ofcourse.. I pay alot for my insurance...


    I agree your life is worth more than things .Insurance can pay for them .

    I live in Wilmington NC, and 3 days ago Wilmington was predicted to get a direct hit from Irene. (Cat 4)  My wife and I were DEFINATLY going to evacuate because we live less than a mile from the Inter-coastal waterway and 2 miles from the ocean.

    Now that its been downgraded to a STRONG Tropical storm we're going to ride it out. Winds here could reach 75MPH :(

    Moorhead City, 2 hours north of here, will be getting it A LOT worse.


    TSC take care please our thoughts are with you good luck mel

    TNX <3

    My daughter and family came all the way from Washington State to enroll my grandson in the University in New Haven, CT. When they got there yesterday morning, unpacked and set up his dorm, they were told late afternoon, that the University would be closed till Tuesday. They had to  reload all his stuff. They are staying with family in southern part of Ct . I was going to go to CT. today, but canceled my plan. It is a bad time for everone on the East Coast. I am prayind that everone is safe, especially my family.


    She should be ok Ann, but I understand your concern.

    Hi Daz I dont know what it would be like though I have lived in Countrys where there ahve been Hurricans and they always missed me thank God but if I was put in that situation I would evacuate on a heart beat and what will be will be its out of your hands do take care and everyone on this site will be saying a preyer for every one who is affected


    Thanks Mel. We need all the prayers we can get.Right now its a beautiful morning. Its calm and the sun is shining. The calm before the storm.

    Thanks Mel for your thoughts and prayer! xoxoxo

    Ann your right there Calm before the torm my Mom always said that! thanks Ann have a good weekend and keep safe please LOTS OF Love mel

    Thanks Pamela this all we an do is say our preyers its out of our hands! :-)

    I can hardly believe what I'm reading. take care everybody and be safe.  it's a mean storm. 


    i will be praying for every ones safety and of course their families

    I pray for the people in the storm areas.  Take good care folks.  May the Lord protect you and keep you safe.

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