    If God knows your needs,then why are there so many hungry children in Africa.

    +4  Views: 904 Answers: 14 Posted: 13 years ago

    14 Answers

    You cant blame God, for the greed of some people, Thoes in Government, and the rich. The rich get richer, and poor get poorer. Religion is not big part, of some peoples live, so they are not bothered about 10 commandments. Government does not have good leaders, they take from everyone, especially poor people, to line their own pockets. God did not make the rules on earth,just guideline, It is up to leaders to show good example, but they do not.


    you are correct on all you say and corruption is the main cause but the real question is why is god allowing the innocent to be abused in this way??

    gandolf, you make a very good point in your answer,Why is God allowing the innocent to be abused in this way. God gives us life, and commandments as guide line in our life to follow,its people who do bad to each other, not God.Example, when children become adults,parents give them guidance, but it is up to adult children, if they o bay, its freedom of life.We are suppose to know right from wrong. Sadly there are bad people every where.

    Afrika has received finacial aide from different countries and the US for many, many years. The money  was supposed tto help hunger in Afrika among many other things. Unfortunately most leaders of  Africa are very corrupt and they use the money to enrich themselves, while the rest of the population is still starving.


    There is no reason for poverty and hunger in Afrika. It is country rich in minersals and recources. As long as we send financial aide they will never become independent and always rely on aid that only furthers corruption and never adresses starvation of its people.

    God likes the poor, the hungry --  He must like them - he made millions of 'em. 

    That's my religious preachings for this month. :)

    Headless Man

    You might get 404ed for

    S'ok, I been 404'd a few times. I hate getting a 404 when I am inside the thread though, when I come out I am all confused and don't know where I am.. I think before a 404, the mods should clear the hallways and yell.. "all clear'.. Give us a chance to get out.. :)

    I tried doing that but you never heard me. At this point, you should know the questions that will get 404'd Vinny ; )

    I don't ask those questions.

    You got me there.  Ditto with kids from other countries as well.

    I do know the ans to this question,for I did ask God to ans it for me.and got it in a dream that no one can verbalize, It was like a large round table and there were chair all around it of every nation on each chair then in the middle of the table were a large bole of food,that no one could reach,but then was a long handle spoon,so when you reach out too the bole,you had to give it to another nation,if you want it to be could not bring the spoon to your own bole.THIS was a revelation to me why we have hungry people in the world.

    Headless Man

    If everyone had love as the main part of their lives there would be no hunger and we would have world peace, I could tell you how to get this love but that might be preaching and thats not allowed

    Did you understand my ans? to world hunger, tell me this love? I'm listening,I don't care what other think!I didn't make this up,When I ask God to explain it to me it was like a picture in a dream and there is no words for it.LOL Headless Man!

    The dream is simple. Take care of others and not only yourself. Give to others as we are here to help others along with ourselves. One does not need to convert to a religion to understand and achieve world love. Share your fortunes with the less fortunate. Answered without preaching from a bible.

    Colleen! you right in your answer, only trouble I see in this world, is that there are too many greedy who are unwilling to share with the rest of the world.

    Great answer Colleen and Facebook, if all the rich would share with all the poor and governments weren't so corrupt, then all would have food on their plates.

    As a atheist this answers your question.


    as an atheist also, a question like this confirms my atheism.if there is a god then tell me why there are so many children dying by the minute every single god.

    I would love to know the answer to this question also.

    Arrr!..... Different continent......different God I s'pose.

    Damned shame really. Africa is such a beautiful continent,teaming with natural resources that have been plundered by every other nation on the planet.(Just about). It's a pity they all can't get their act together over there & become one nation striving for the betterment of it's own people.


    Instead of, yep....agree.

    It's all due to their past Karma. They must have done something awful in their other lives.


    I believe God love everyone equally,and some people are poorer than other maybe for circumstance,or for proving to ourself the kind of compassionate we have toward other less unfortunate.After all it is written" do on to other what we want them do to us".


    even innocent children ?please

    Many of the rich don't share with the poor, sometimes when they do the shipments go elsewhere due to corruption of governments or people. Great answers up there, thumbs up.


    God works in Mysterious ways and it's a Mystery to me why there should be so many starving people in the world when there is such an abundance of food and resources in it also. Perhaps it's down to governments. 

    Fed bears are dead bears or so goes the saying. So if their land cannot support life or the people cannot live with each other, interference will only prolong the suffering. 

    I wish someone had the answers, but no one will listen.

    Hunger will spread much wider in future. The world can barely feed its population now and with another 1,000,000,000 due to arrive before the year 2050, the prospect for the future looks bleak.

    Man is simply doing what God commanded after the Flood and has ' gone forth and been fruitful and mulitiplied ' , but unless God comes up with a new policy, more and more hungry people are going to be fighting for less food.

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