10 Answers
Years ago I used to hitchhike literally everywhere but this was in Madison WS a college town (well actually a city, capital of WS) This was almost 40 years ago however! You'd get a ride real easy as everybody practically picked you up immediately! You didn't have to worry about a thing! This was the peace, love generation naturally. Nowadays, no way, I would not hitchhike nor would I pick up hitchhikers, too many crazies out there anymore!
14 years ago. Rating: 2 | |
I have hitched and picked up hitch hikers but today sadly you need to think twice.I was thinking today of a time in my teens when three or four of us young blokes would get in a comutter train in Sydney Australia to go shooting rabbits out of town. We had rifles (22s) a belt load of bullets around our waist. The only thing we did was to put the breech bolt in our pocket. Try to imagine that today, we never drew a second glance, today the train would not get out of the station. OH ISN`T PROGRESS WONDERFUL?
14 years ago. Rating: 1 | |
I remember when I first got my driving lisc. and I had a custum van with a bed and a bar in it. On the wall above the bar I had a small poster in a frame that said..." GAS GRASS OR ASS, no one rides free"
There were many times that i picked up a hitch hiker. And when they would get in I would point to the sign. I never got any gas $$ , got a lil grass 1 time, but did get some form of sex many times from a girl hitch hiker. WOW , those were the days !!
14 years ago. Rating: 1 | |
I have hitchhiked and I have picked up hitch hikers. Now that I am a mom I don't pick up hitch hikers any more. And I feel like I am lucky I didn't end up dead in a ditch somewhere hitchhiking around as a teenager. That said, nothing bad ever happened to me hitchhiking or picking up hitchhikers, but the world has gotten to be such a crazy place, I think it is a unnecessary risk.
On a side note, I've heard in Alaska it is illegal not to pick up a hitchhiker because they could freeze to death. I don't know if this is true.
14 years ago. Rating: 1 | |
B that is so sad... you have to pay for sex.. LOL I have seen that sign before at a truck stop.