    request to be excused from jury duty

    0  Views: 720 Answers: 3 Posted: 13 years ago

    3 Answers

    Tell em that you are a conscientious objector, a racist, a religious fanatic and you are also an athiest, tell them you believe in capitol punishment and you think all criminals are guilty first and innocent later, but probably not if you get a chance to sit in, tell em that cruel punishment is sitting in a jail cell,

     you think they should get a pitchfork in the eyes, shoot 'em, then hang them and burn the body after they dowse it with acid and throw the ashes in a car crusher..  After that, you don't mind looking at the evidence to see if he/she was innocent..


    This should get you off the jury hook..

     have been requested 3x for jury duty.... the first 2x I was preg and on bed rest. my dr. gave the judge a dr. exuse..... the 3rd time I was joking and said out loud it was against my religion to judge... i was exused....

    As the Brits would say---"Not Bloody Likely".  Judges don't excuse people very easily.  Unless you have very high BP, there is little chance to get off.   That is the only reason I know about.

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