    How can I get rich in the next 30 days?

    I am retired and am on a fixed income.

    +1  Views: 2557 Answers: 10 Posted: 13 years ago

    10 Answers

    let me know if any one has a really good idea please I have worked all my life and not afraid in getting my hands dirty I have degree and it still hard i susjest work and work
    ed shank

    How about this. Make a cap for an aspirin bottle which dispenses one pill at a time. (could be for any medication in any bottle). You have a cold your hands are covered with germs, you always shake out more than one pill. You now put the remainder back into the bottle and now have shared your cold with the rest of the family. try it. I have a patent on an item which should be done soon.
    Buy gold.
    How about spending a buck on a scratch ticket ? With a little luck you hit big and became a instant millionaire
    You can sell you kidney, lung, liver and eyes
    Rich is not about money:\\

    if a blind man offeredto buy your 2 eyes, What price would you sell
    your eye's?????????????????????

    If you own some thing that is beyond price++++++++++++YOU ARE RICH!!!!

    I'd like to know that one too. When you find out, let me know.
    Good luck with that one......
    make something useful and show it to someone smart and then show it to the tv prdoser and show it to the people looking at the tv and they will see it is verry useful and they will buy it and you will get the money see your wallkim
    I have a Master's Degree in Psychology and am able to work on the computer at home. With the increase in cost of food, fuel, and etc. I need more money fast. I am a selfstarting hard worker, who does not fear labor.
    Riches like wealth can be obtained in different ways... the basic principle is the same, but the methods can varied..
    If it is rich in the financial sense, then in a 30 day time line, a lottery ticket is your 1 in 14,000,000 chance of getting rich...
    you can sell all of material non-essentials. Help the under privileged, feed the poor and a mentor to a youngster that needs one... You're rewards and riches will be eternal and wealth will never be an issue...
    Although I don't do all of things that I speak of, I do try to help when I can and I do give to the St Vincent de Paul for the poor and under privileged and if anyone ever says that good deeds go unnoticed,either they've never truly given or they lie.. For Every time I have ever given , I have always, been repaid at a minimum of 10X's, some how, some way...

    To get rich, it comes from working a dedicated plan over and over for a prolonged period of time, there is NO SUBSTITUTION FOR HARD WORK!

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