    If you are not making money by having the net, then what is it really good for?

    0  Views: 445 Answers: 2 Posted: 13 years ago

    2 Answers

    It's good for researching information for any and every topic you can think of. It's also good for keeping in touch with people and sharing information, photos and videos with family and friends by using e-mail programs. This saves people the expense and time of writing individual letters and paying for postage to mail the letters or making copies dvd of a video to be mailed and shared with others. It can be used to view movies and TV shows on line or for listening to music on line. You can search maps for directions to get from on point to the next, purchase airline, train or cruise ship tickets. On line shopping is another benefit of the internet. Housebound people make great use of on line shopping plus many states do not charge tax for purchases made on line. There is also the convenience of on line banking and bill pay. These are just a few examples of what the internet is good for. 

    Well, in this case it is good for answering questions that other people have………...

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