    I would like a nice inspiration verse to pass on to my grandaughter who is getting married soon

    0  Views: 435 Answers: 2 Posted: 13 years ago

    2 Answers



    To My Granddaughter… Grandma’s Pearls of Wisdom



    I've traveled paths you've yet to walk

    Learned lessons old and new

    And now this wisdom of my life

    I'm blessed to share with you



    Let kindness spread like sunshine

    Embrace those who are sad

    Respect their dignity, give them joy

    And leave them feeling glad



    Forgive those who might hurt you

    And though you have your pride

    Listen closely to their viewpoint

    Try to see the other side



    Walk softly when you're angry

    Try not to take offense

    Invoke your sense of humor

    Laughter's power is immense!



    Express what you are feeling

    Your beliefs you should uphold

    Don't shy away from what is right

    Be courageous and be bold



    Keep hope right in your pocket

    It will guide you day by day

    Take it out when it is needed

    When it's near, you'll find a way



    Remember friends and family

    Of which you are a precious part

    Love deeply and love truly

    Give freely from your heart



     The world is far from perfect

    There’s conflict and there’s strife

    But you still can make a difference

    By how you live your life



    And so I’m very blessed to know

    The wonders you will do

    Because you are my granddaughter

    And I believe in you


    By Becky Netherland



    Beautiful, hope I make it to use it for my granddaughter..

    A man marries a woman hoping she’ll never change. A woman marries a man hoping he will……..

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