    why don't all states uphold the commandment thy shall not commit adultry?

    0  Views: 343 Answers: 4 Posted: 13 years ago

    4 Answers

    Kengam:  like stoning them to death?  You're 500 years behind time and probably have a wife that left you.

    Basically,I would say,because it's none of their bloody business!

    Separation of church & politics & all that!

    Religion does not control states or government. Non Christians and Atheists should never be forced to follow the rules of an others religion. Would you agree to follow a rule from some other religion just because someone deemed it a good one even if it went against your beliefs and religion?

    Here's what you do, call for sharia law to be brought into the States so that adulterers can be stoned to death or hung from telegraph poles. I guess you'll run out of people to kill and then you have population control. And then there's more for you, that is if you haven't been hung too for being a christian...

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