    excuses for texting while driving

    +2  Views: 1346 Answers: 13 Posted: 13 years ago

    13 Answers

    there is no good excuse, years ago you  would of never thought of writing a letter while driving.No different these days. Wait until you get out of the car. Nothing that important to risk lives. Just Sayin

    There is absolutely no excuse other than complete stupidity. Total selfish ignorance.


    "That rule is for everyone else; I don't have to follow the rules."
    "I am really stupid."
    "I want to get into an automobile accident and hurt others, may even kill someone."
    "If I can total my car, the insurance will pay it off and I can get a bicycle and ride it in the wrong direction, texting all the while, maybe even weaving into oncoming traffic and cause another accident.. Yeah, cool."

    It is along the same lines of drink driving ,if you ask me.DON'T DO IT.

    Last week's three-day BlackBerry services outage is being hailed by police as the reason behind a significant drop in traffic accidents in two UAE cities during that same time period. In Dubai, accidents were 20 percent below average and in Abu Dhabi, they fell by 40 percent and there were no fatal accidents at all.

    According to The National newspaper: "On average there is a traffic accident every three minutes in Dubai, while in Abu Dhabi there is a fatal accident every two days."

    The reduction in accidents during the BlackBerry outage also came two weeks after Abu Dhabi police began a campaign against distracted driving, and two weeks after the death of a local football star in a vehicle accident reportedly caused while he was driving and using his smartphone.

    So whether the decrease in accidents was due entirely to the BlackBerry shortage isn't clear. But it is clear that driving while texting, tweeting, Googling or just talking on the phone takes a driver's attention away from the road.

    Calgary police handed out 280 tickets in the first month of distracted driving enforcement, mostly for using their cellphone, but one for playing a saxophone while driving on Crowchild Trail, apparently*.

    There are people in my address book from whom I receive messages like "brb gotta find a parking spot" after we've traded messages for 10 minutes. Just last night I got a message from a friend who later told me he'd been texting me so he could stay awake while driving home at 10 p.m. because it was "better than napping."

    Truly, there's no excuse for texting while driving. That being said, here are 10 excuses distracted drivers inNo way no excuse at all

    When I took a ride with my friend, her thumbs were going full time texting. When she wasn't texting, she was on the phone. I have never had such a scary ride and I will never again get into her car.

    Being really, really, stupid! Really!!!!

    There is none whatsover and I am quite sure if a cop catches you you will be ticketed hopefully so and rightfully so.

    there are none. It is not safe.

    If I am in a car and the driver, no matter who it is I say.

    "Do you mind I want to live even if you don`t so off the `phone or let me out NOW."

    NO EXCUSE!!!

    Tired of living and dont want to die alone, maybe.

    My passenger said it was OK..........he doesn't have much to live for anyhow.........


    YOU were driving and texting?

    No, I can't even text on my present cell phone.....

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