    my cat has been missing for 2 wks. i still am upset. will i ever feel better?

    +2  Views: 1247 Answers: 12 Posted: 13 years ago

    12 Answers

    Thats a tough one. Call your humane Society and see if anyone dropped her off. You can also call  Animal Control in your town. Put  Missing flyers  on trees around your town. Ask everyone in your neighborhood to check theire garages and sheds. If your cat was not fixed, than she is propably looking for a mate and will come home eventually.I wish you the best of luck and I hope you find her. Dont give up hope. miracles happen every day.

    I had a cat that went missing for a month before he came back home. I think he found someone who was feeding him and decided to stay and visit for awhile. Don't give up , your cat may just be on summer vacation too.


    good answer mom

    youre bound to be upset,and i certainly dont want to appear insensitive but is it missing or has it passed away? .If he or she is lost theres the chance they might come wandering in the back door...

    Is your cat a male,and not desexed ?sometimes the males (toms) can go off for weeks at a time,and can return home,desexing keeps them settled.I have also had 2 cats dissapear without a trace.There are so many unwanted cats/kittens in the animal shelters just wanting some love and care,maybe you can give one a new home.

    Fjoel I am so sorry to here about your cat my heart goes out to you I am a cat lover and at one time I had10 cats now we only have 4 there is cat in our neigbourhood she is called Alice and went missing for 4 weeks amd my neigbour said to me would I ask around so I went up to a farm I know which is about half a mile away and asked if they had any stray cats in the barn and as I looked in there was Alice curled up in a box and yes the farmers wife always feeds the strays for catching the mice ect any way cut a long story short I told the owner who went to pick her up and bring her home and with in a couple of days she was back up the farm she now lives up there in the summer and comes home in the winter so there is hope out there for you good luck

    I had a cat that did this a lot.  It worried me senseless.  She wasn't even a good cat actually but I loved her anyway.  She has been gone now for 4 years and I still think about her.  I lost another cat as well in a truly unpleasant way... I feel for you.  You just love the cat so much.

    I hope your cat finds it's way home.

    The cat I have now doesn't want to go outside at all.  I am curiously grateful for that.  I don't really have the cat...the cat has me.

    Ohh,  am so upset for you!  I know the pain,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,That is one of the hardest things to deal with,....the loss of a beloved pet!  ESPECIALLY when you don't know if it is alive or dead.  At a certain point, now or in the near future, if you haven't gotten your loved one back, you will feel a strong need to grieve ( for the loss of a wonderful, loyal  pet, friend ).  And eventually you  will be able to move on from it;all the while knowing you gave your baby a great life,  that it lived a good life,  and whatever happened, you'll see each other again in a much better place later on..  Stay balanced!!  :-}

    You will eventually get over this gut wrenched feeling but you will never forget him/her. I am so sorry to hear of your loss but try and stay possitive. you hear of stories all the time of cats going missing then turning up months or even years later. I wish your little cat finds his way home where he belongs.

    it'll take time and healing, but sooner or later you will begin to feel better

    whats happening now  fjoel,any news?

    fjoel cat still hasn`t returned. thank-you for your interest. i did call the humane society,put add in paper. i did look out the wndow this am,no cat. i think i will slowly feel better. you are nice,leosmami.

    sorry but no because my cat died last year and im still not over it



    I was very upset when my cat died. VERY. I was over it fairly quickly, I got a kitten! It was like my gone cat sent the kitten to me.
    fjoel, would that work for you? You think?

    thank you fjoel.I so hope you get him or her back,and i really dont want to upset you further but have you contacted the cleansing department?If he or shes been knocked down on the road they might have picked your cat up.Might be worth a phone call?And try your local vets ,good luck x

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