    Why are you all being so nice to me lately?

    Just been looking up the lists of members that have complimented me on my answers. Some times I get so used to abuse it seems like its the norm. I have to wonder is this a change of tactic?

    If I have not got round to answering you on a personal level do not be concerned. Just keep asking your questions and I will try no give you independent conformation of the answers.  

    Thanks Guys and that includes girl guys

    Old Irish Proverb: You can catch more flies with honey than you can with gall.

    +8  Views: 981 Answers: 11 Posted: 13 years ago

    11 Answers

    Goodmorning bestway, this sight is just smack full of great people with nice things to say. The world is full of good things if your willing to open yourself up to see. By giving honest answers from your heart and sharing the good in you, the law of attraction works in the same effect. You reap what you sew. Have a great day.


    Thanks Mom

    "it's nice to be important but it's more to be nice"


    It is hard Daren to deliver a weighty message and be liked as well. True followers of Christ must learn to live with persecution from those who do not like the message. But thank you for your kind thoughts.

    christ made it clear if you follow me the path is not easy i too try to walk that path,although at times i fall back into the flesh"consider it all good when you suffer in my name" i might not have the scripture exact but i do have the meaning right. last thing we need here is another true christian to defect. we are the salt and light of the earth..

    I don't think I was never 'not nice' to you.  I give you thumbs up and I've never said a cross word to you. 

    Work the croud big guy!  It's all good.

    You haven't said anything stupid

    OPPS, did I say something stupid........ sorry

    Well said, bestway: your words are kind, considerate, and complimentary. You did not have an "in your face" attitude.  You'll get more religious answers when you use this approach: an "all inclusion" approach.

    TU for you, baby.

    Thank you. 

    daren I like your attitude.

    I should confess though that I am an old battle scarred campaigner. I have been threatened with knives, a shot gun on one occasion, and a meat cleaver. I have been denounced from the pulpit on two occasions that I know of a probably a lot more that I don't know of. I have leaned that when Holy Jo's are calling me they are leaving someone else alone.  Have not been flogged or imprisoned yet, but many times falsely accused many times by people with collars back to front.

    BUT Persecution in itself is not proof of discipleship. Ones religious belief is often very personal and most people are horrified at the notion that their religion is seriously contaminated with false ideas and  doctrine that are seriously offensive to the God and father of our Lord Jesus.  

    May I politely recommend that you increase the knowledge that you have already by availing your self of the publication, 'What does the bible really teach? It is available without charge.

    Kind regards

    bestway, is it not normal that nice honest people will also be nice  to friendly  symphtic people like u ? I m wondering that u are still here, because u wrote many messages about the Bible and the teachings of the Bible. Others have been canceled or banned for this, because this is not a forum for christians. - The true God may bless u !

    ed shank

    I know of no one who has been thrown off this site for asking a religious question. It's only when the question is inflammatory that action is taken.

    Thank you Ed.

    One reaps what one sows.............

    bestway......ask away......we are ready for more of your Questions and Answers..............

    "" See ya in hell, bestway. I'm waitin' for ya next question.



    Good to see you still funny as ever and yes he should be his stunt man or an extra like how Sadam Hussin had to divert the bullets.

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