Here is a thumbs up for you question. I left an answer pertaining to were most of the food stamp money goes. How about a thumbs up! Here is one for you to Pamela.
4 Answers
Woman who are not married and have 3+ kids or more account for 60% of the total amount of money given as food stamps.
13 years ago. Rating: 3 | |
Saddly we can not shop at the grocery store on the 1st or 12th of the month. It is packed with food stamp recipients. I believe in a gov. that will assist the needy. However there are too many ppl taking advantage of the system. You should not have a new BMW and food stamps.
Extremely true (about the BMW I mean!) I've seen some amazing things people had or were adorned with at the food stamp office when I was collecting them!
Most people deserve to collect them. Then U have other's that R just taking advantage of the system. Then when U report these people U invariably get the response of "it is only a few hundred dollars" or whatever the case is, or "we don't have enough staff to investigate" Bureaucracy at it's finest!
I guess the obvious, in a capitalized world some people are justleft behind. That is the rule of the jungle.
On the other hand it is better than having everyone poor like in most comunist countries.
13 years ago. Rating: 3 | |
True, but there are so many people who take advantage of our caring system. I would like to turn all the free loaders in for breaking the law. Here is a T.U. 2 now on this question, for you pascal. I am going down into Mexico and won't be on site so any TU will be appreciared. Thanks!
Families w/no jobs, low-paying jobs, and on barely-get-by-street. We need a divine intervention!!!