    Yes I realy do want to know why young men and women don't want to work?

    +3  Views: 624 Answers: 6 Posted: 13 years ago

    A TU for a very good question discouraged!

    6 Answers

    For most young men and women, the combination of a struggling economy and scarce jobs.


    Hi Pamela a good answer scarce jobs lol

    I believe all people want to be productive and proud of themselves. Some are totally lost in a world they don't understand. Maybe their language isn't good. Maybe they have emotional problems. I don't like it but I do understand it.
    They are like feral cats.

    Melan: Why do you find "scarce jobs" humorous?

    Itsmee it wasnt meant to come out humorous I was just saying that Pamela had said scarce jobs which is true and as for feral cats I have had plenty of them (cats) and they train better than a young person who doesnt want a job! Yes I acn understand where you are coming from regarding the younger generation the most of them are mixed up I have worked with a lot of younger people and they feel that the world owes them a living its hard but this is the way the world is now thanks for the comment ! lol and when I put lol to me its love you lots v

    @ itsmee - Mel's interpretation for "lol" meant "lots of love," not "laughing out loud." :-)

    Thanks Pamela in explaining to itsmee about my lol :-)

    You're welcome. We were responding at the same time, put yours came first. lol!

    Some do......and the one's that don't,just want to bludge of the system,maybe they are uneducated or come from families that were on welfare and have just followed suit.


    good answer pythonlover lol

    the state of every country now is really hard for young people to get jobs the economy is shot every where, for those who have taken higher education and hoping to get agood job that hasnt woirked either but they will get more work than the rest eventuly, it is sad that when I left school you had that job for life if you wanted it ,but times have changed and sadley this does not happen anymore for those who just dont want to work and are lazy and think the goverment and tax payers like myself will contribute them for life whilst on benefit will have a rude awakening soon lets hope things change soon for those who really do want to work


    Good answer, I think.

    What makes people lazy?
    What makes people not want to work?
    I always wonder about that.

    jobs are hard to come  by. but people who manage to get them feel a lot better about themselves than people who dont work. i dont understand why people just dont want to work. i see it everywhere. i know people in their 40`s still living with mom and dad. or you see grandkids living with grandma and grandpa while the parents are off partying their lives away.

    The governments make it to easy for people to get food and housing, and that's all they want.

    "Not wanting to work” can be caused by many things in a persons life. PTSD in youth can cripple a person for life if untreated. It is the most disabling problem a person can have and still look normal. Then there are medically treatable conditions a simple blood test could reveal like anemia, low iron, low B-12, Blood sugar disorders like manic-depression and brain disorders not to mention a bunch of viral and allergenic disorders. Illegal, restricted. and prescribed medication addiction can bring a person to question their motives for working what so ever. Life is harsh and our culture does not make work an experience that you would like to spend the rest of your life doing. We work to get by, to pay our bills and maybe get ahead enough to eventually retire. Our debts are like a whip driving us to work each and every day and for many the futility of the American dream combined with the demands and crap that insults us too regularly is just too much to take. We see people who have nothing and do nothing, happy and our blood pressure is threatening our lives. Why are they happy and I’m miserable? They’re not working and I’m paying their way….so I’m pissed off until I really understand what is going on with something else that looks like an insult to me. So that’s why so many are not working….That’s why Obama wants that big health plan…he knows that’s why so many are not working.    

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