    Internet dating sites......yes or no?

    Have you been a "member" of an IDS?  Would you consider it a worthwhile expense of your time and money?  Why or why not?

    +6  Views: 525 Answers: 5 Posted: 13 years ago

    5 Answers

    Why not? Just be sensible. Communicate for a "good" period of time before meeting and as Python lover said, meet in a public place. Having a friend call you half an hour into the meet could give you an escape route. :o).

    I have heard some good stories of people meeting on these dating sites and they went on to live happily ever after,also i have heard not so good things.All you can really do is give it a go and hopefully you can find the man of your dreams,just be careful there is a lot of fakes out there and they are not who you think they are.If you are planning to meet up with some one always be in a public place.Good luck

    I say give it a try, you never know who you can find online. I have made some great friends from the WWW. And with a few it even turned into great sex.

    Two of my divorced friends had really bad experiences with on-line dating. The women were parasites both of them. One moved in with my friend for a short time and she had him removed from his own home after an argument by the state police. He owns much land in these parts and basically said he'd bury her if she wasn't gone in four hours. She left.

    I would not consider finding a (friend) on-line. There are much better places one could score at then the internet. No, not a Gin mill.


    you have the most interesting stories. I would be interested in knowing some places to meet a nice guy (I am as old as you). Any ideas?
    ed shank

    I run a AA fueler on weekends. The women are really appreciated in the pits. Church Is probably the best place to hook up. If your into reading, a book club. Have several buddies that been rather busy since joining a book club of all things.

    I used  and met very interesting  ladies  there  I was not looking for a wife  but  a lady to  date and the two us us enjoying each others company , Most people  use these sites looking  for mates ,  but  be upfront and honest  not everyone wants a wife of husband.

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