    what is the purpose of truck scales on the highway?

    0  Views: 1121 Answers: 6 Posted: 13 years ago

    6 Answers

    There is always a reason for something...



    The bad part bout that is the truck was probably legal, weight wise, but not secured properly. That coil is probably between 40,000 and 45,000 lbs. It needs a minimum of 5 chains.

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    One is only allowed so much for a pay load due to asphalt damage. You have to pay fines and feea and what's all to cover maintenance. I learned this from a trucker friend.....

    Almost all states limit the weight of a big truck to 80,000 lbs with no permits. Michigan and I think a couple other go by axle weight. That's why when you go to Michigan you will see trucks with 10 or more axles. I think it is 20,000 per axle. I know in our plant we have been having heavy hall steel Haller's come in in the last couple years. Their theory is its cheaper to buy the heavy permit that to put another truck on the road. & $$$$

    There was never anybody there at the weigh stations in Michigan, so they phased them out.


    You might want to ask truckers at the New Buffalo weigh station about that! The trucks still have to stop there! It is in Michigan!

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