7 Answers
No one starts out having a glass of wine, mixed drink, bottle of beer, or whatever, with the idea of becoming an alcoholic. No one sits in the sun trying to get skin cancer, either. Some people are more prone to skin cancer, while some are more prone to becoming alcoholics for any one (or more) of countless reasons.
I think the key in recovery is first acknowledging and ACCEPTING one is an alcoholic. The sincere desire to quit drinking has to be strong, and a good support system can go a long way to HELP, but the true cure is going to come from within.
10 years ago. Rating: 8 | |
alcoholism ??? it is not the easiest of subject to explain,science is still working on it,,doctors are still working on it,,and even family's with an alcoholic in it can not explain it,,and the majority of the public think everybody who drinks too much is an alcoholic,,,and they are the uneducated ones who say,"hey ,if you are an alcoholic just don't drink.alcoholism,drug addiction, pill poppers,cancer,,,they are all things nobody goes and ask's for,,have a look at the website Pythonlover put up,,and SunnyB,you are right ,you will never become an alcoholic if you never drink.i know all this because i am a non practicing alcoholic and have been for the last 31 years,,however for the 16 years of being a drunk, i was envolved in breaking family's and nose's,,in and out of jails and hospitals and psychiatric centre's, then i told by a doctor,the way i was going ,i would be dead within about a month,,2 other guys and myself heard some music from a church,so we went there to bash and rob some Christians,,we walked in and here where these people singing ,dancing ,and smiling..really happy,,my life was about to change,,now i am 30 years down the track,,it was a battle in the early days,today i own a house, i have a wife, and i am getting old,,not bad for someone without a future,and i thank my God for that....................nice talking..................................................................................
10 years ago. Rating: 8 | |
I could never understand why she was so ridiculously nasty to me, in the moment. ... Then showered me with gifts a few days later.
Paula could not hear that my love for her was unconditional and that I really didn't want the gifts.
I wanted my sister to understand the beauty that was inside of her and how much she could actually bring to the Earth. The woman was filled with brilliance that she could not see.
My sister was my best friend. Not because she was very good at it. Because that glorious woman was my sister and I love her... more than life it's self.
..."Hey Elephant! ... Close to my heart.".
That's the part where we blow a kiss and catch each other's.
My son does that with me now. He does not know what it means.
I am getting really sappy. The months are moving along to yet one more anniversary.
My sister is an alcoholic and went to the hospital with a broken hip. They did her surgery and that night she went into DTs (delirium tremens). Her prognosis isn’t good. I know she didn’t choose to become an alcoholic, she inherited the lack of tolerance my both of our parents had. Alcoholism is a decease in part because it can be passed down……...
10 years ago. Rating: 7 | |
Information here >>> http://alcoholism.about.com/cs/info2/a/aa022697.htm
10 years ago. Rating: 7 | |
Plus, alchohol is a man-made invention.So, if it was never discovered, then there wouldn't be alchoholics. But , I think some people just have an addictive personality.And prob would have gotten addicted to something.
10 years ago. Rating: 4 | |
It's easy to play MMQB and give advice. Alchoholism is a disease because it is addictive like smoking. These addicts need professional help.
10 years ago. Rating: 4 | |