    why more Black people are filling the prisons in the US?

    +2  Views: 659 Answers: 6 Posted: 13 years ago

    6 Answers

    Profiling by white cops probably.

    What was that song? "he could've been the champion of the world"?

    I think you need to rethink that and re run your statistics......


    ARTICLE PUBLISHED MARCH 27TH 2011:“More African American men are in prison or jail, on probation or parole than were enslaved in 1850, before the Civil War began,” Michelle Alexander told a standing room only house at the Pasadena Main Library this past Wednesday, the first of many jarring points she made in a riveting presentation.

    Growing crime rates over the past 30 years don’t explain the skyrocketing numbers of black — and increasingly brown — men caught in America’s prison system, according to Alexander, who clerked for Supreme Court Justice Harry Blackmun after attending Stanford Law. “In fact, crime rates have fluctuated over the years and are now at historical lows.”

    In some black inner-city communities, four of five black youth can expect to be caught up in the criminal justice system during their lifetimes.

    “Most of that increase is due to the War on Drugs​, a war waged almost exclusively in poor communities of color,” she said, even though studies have shown that whites use and sell illegal drugs at rates equal to or above blacks.

    Black are usually on the poor side and can not afford lawyers, innocent or guilty they go to prison. This is why people are against the death penalty. It's usually a poor person with improper legal service that land on death row! 

    Blacks are also know for bur of the moment crimes.

    if reports are anything to go by, your observations are true. In  You kay the to avoid jail all he only has to avoid breaking the law. For blacks you have to avoid suspicion as well, because to many detectives black=suspect. To many judges if black and charged then conviction, custodial remand and maximum custodial sentence are mandatory.Facts don't count.


    Thanks for your feedback guys!!:-))I truly find it so unfair and this is not because I am Black African but because it is the much oppression against Black communities and I hate oppression...this goes also for oppression in Asian ,Latino communities etc...

    if reports are anything to go by, your observations are true. In  You kay the to avoid jail all he only has to avoid breaking the law. For blacks you have to avoid suspicion as well, because to many detectives black=suspect. To many judges if black and charged then conviction, custodial remand and maximum custodial sentence are mandatory.Facts don't count.

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