    when a Muslim commits a crime,they are called terrorist but when a Christian or Judaism follower commits a crime,they are called criminal,why?

    0  Views: 583 Answers: 3 Posted: 13 years ago

    3 Answers

    i should have said the crime of killing people...

    I have never heard about, that exact thing.
    However, Muslims are not called terrorists when they commit crimes. Take Anders Breivik for example. (The norwegian terrorist) He made a bomb and blew it off, in Oslo Center and shot alot of young people on Ut?ya. HE is called a Terrorist, HE is white and christian.

    have you heard how the news media emphasizes the word "terrorist"attack,crime etc...when they refer to Muslims killing non-muslims or even other Muslims but then when it is someone who is not a Muslim,you will not hear them use terrorist and continuously repeat it for the people to keep it in their mind for decades...Do you remember Waco,Columbine and other crimes perpetrated in America..that was terror for real,violent acts committed in any name...mainly political agenda is involved

    Gnama, I asked a question to a Muslim but he has not yet responded. To avoid duplication, please click on this link and see my question to "FREE BRO". I'd like to read your comments. Thanks


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