    if 9/11 was orchestrated by evil hating Muslims,what have Islam gain out of it?do more people love ISLAM after this evil crime?

    +1  Views: 462 Answers: 4 Posted: 13 years ago

    4 Answers

    These extreme muslim nuts are the problem in that religion. They see it one way others see it another. No religion that i know of praises the killing of another human being for religious purposes. Mankind does not benefit from it. When it does state killing the infidel i will be critical of it. If they have the right to say 69 virgins , i have the right to say what the 69 virgins are.


    indeed they can only be nuts who do this...n they will get their just reward from God on the day of judgment because nobody will be dealt unjustly in HIS many people commit atrocities around the world like HITLER DID,TIMOTHY MCVEIGH,STALINE,JEFFREY DAHMER and company...N died not rightly punished for their crimes;they all were terrorists because a terrorist is someone who commits acts of violent towards others...eriod

    but the media seems to focus on the wrong people when they choose to portray Islam and Muslims a certain way and hides what other people of other faith have done of crimes against humanity:-(((


    Thank you for that GNAMA. Now I understand where you are coming from.
    The Media always focus on violence, sex and scandal. Sadly too many Muslim men seem anxious to fill that role. Christendom and Islam both have violent histories. The greatest offender being Christendom which was high jacked centuries ago by evil men who desired World domination. But even as they fought each other they knew they were doing wrong. Perhaps we can find common ground.

    it is sad indeed that people always call Muslims terrorists and generalize them meaning all Muslims being terrorists..I am not a terrorist and have lived in Europe most of my life with French people and British people in brother-in-law is FRENCH WHITE and I believe everyone has a potential to do good...some seem to prefer evil over good:-(((

    and bestway, you are most welcome...I got distracted but I meant to reply to you earlier on;-)

    GNAMA do you believe muslim women are treated fairly and equally . What exactly is sharia law.

    great question zorro!thanks for this!I believe that women in the Muslim world(muslim countries that abide by shariah law that is in essence but nowadays I guess it is where majority population is Muslim)have not been given the full rights Islam gave them since Prophet Muhammad(peace be upon him!)and they are not being treated is sad that many Muslim women are prohibited from working,education n so many rights God gave them...SHARIA is the DIVINE Law according to QURAN...

    SHARIA LAW is what tells you how to behave among people,alone,with your family,what to do when someone attacks you,when you have money,how to spend it,what to teach your children,how to treat people of different faith etc...

    and the main reason the Muslims are suffering the way they are is because of them not abiding by what QURAN and SUNNAH teach so now ALLAH is punishing many because of the evil Muslims who go against the is somethign like reap what you sow sort my opinion...because Allah teaches that He will punish even the righteous people with the evil ones when they stopped enjoining right and forbidding evil

    so yes zorro ..when the Muslims see evil and stop trying their utmost to change it to good,to remove evil among them...the wrath of Allah comes...and many are suffering because of the ones who did not do anything to prevent worse things from happening...IT IS jUST LIKE MTA...U SEE SOMETHING,SAY example when you saw a man rape a woman but turned away like you did not witness a will get punish for walking away sooner or later

    It is an interesting question in the way it is presented. Does evil ever justify evil?

    I suspect that many Muslims are just as shocked as everyone else at the violence in their midst, but I would like to hear from Muslims their views on terrorism in their ranks.


    well I am Muslim woman who knows the authentic Muslim scriptures pretty well so I can relate...terrorism is wrong and as we call it Haraam in Islam...a Muslim who goes and kill any person or even animal for no just cause is a murderer like the son of Adam who killed his brother...terrorism is not an Islamic trait but there are evil Muslims who do evil deeds,corrupt the land and sea etc...the list goes on and on when it comes to those who commit atrocities all aroudn the world in the name of Islam ...I am talking bout what I know and see for myself

    I call this murder and it is a crime to kill innocent people who have done nothing wrong to do they know this to be true?and will happen if they slaughter people??and if this is the case would not everything single Muslim man go in the street and start shooting any infidel for that matter?because all Muslim men are evil right?


    No! Not right, because hatred begets hatred. Jesus commanded his followers to love their enemies: so for every Muslim who is not a follower of Christ I can show you three 'Christians' that are not followers of Christ.

    In a little while each and every one of us will render and account for our actions.
    Be assured that hands shedding innocent are among the many things God hates.
    Human life is the property of the Almighty. Any one taking the life of his fellow will forfeit his own life.

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