    why tiny babies are being murdered everyday in abortion clinics in the USA with not a lot of protests?

    +3  Views: 615 Answers: 5 Posted: 13 years ago

    5 Answers

    Does anyone remember the pro lifers who murdered doctors and abortion clinic workers? The pro lifers who blew up abortion clinics with peopel in them? The pro lifers who believe the only way to reverse the abortion law is to kill adults or be destructive?

    I'm glad there are no protests any more. Pro lifers do not know how to protest without being killers themselves. 



    Pro-life and eugenics are related…they both seek to end personal freedom of choice by committee over life choices.

    I saw your comparison write up and I have to say I agree. Sad but true. Pro lifers are no different.

    Because abortion is legal. It's your opinion they are being murdered, it is my opinion life does not being at conception. I believe in a woman's right to decide.


    I met a woman that was not given the right to decide but that said she was forced to do it because her man did not want the "burden"...I felt so sad for her...she was crying at the table after her baby being snatched away from her womb by doctors who in my opinion are just doing their job and many do not     really care...otherwise they would not be doing is painful,it hurt to have your unborn to the outside world removed(psychologically I mean)and like that...The scar never healed really for these women who were not given the right to g thru their pregnancy and raise the baby:-((and to say that life does not being at conception to me sounds absurd because the baby is alive,eating,breathing, is just not the same as if baby is out of womb


    Where in the world was this woman to be forced to have an abortion? The USA does not force women to have abortions. The right to carry a baby to term is every woman's right. Where did you meet this woman to hear this "story"? This is not what legal abortion is all about. It is not there for people to force others into having abortions. I think this story of yours is deceptive and used only to deter the reader's mind away from the fact that legal abortion has more reasons than Randy's belief that it is simply legal birth control. This is in the box thinking.

    Irresponsibility is why we have abortion rights. A woman must have the right to choose to carry a fetus to term or not because she is responsible for her own body. There is no child unless the fetus is carried to term, birth and that includes breathing on their own. The irresponsibility that is in this is ours. Our choice is that women should have the right to choose. That is a basic freedom. The alternative to a woman’s choice is  eugenics with its attendant perversions. Pro-life is the eugenics foster child which brought us the Nazi rise to power, WW2 and the slaughter of millions of people. Of course the pro-lifers are well intended, moral and in sympathy see their way as the solution to free will. Every egg must be saved and masterbation should be a crime.    

    I agree, GNAMA1974-13, babys are being legally murdered and someday it will be legal to kill the old, only the money makers and government supporters will be allowed to survive. If things don't change.

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